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Agenda Item

2.2 20-0519 Subject: Emergency Eviction Moratorium Extension From: Councilmembers Bas, President Pro Tempore Kalb And City Attorney Parker Recommendation: Adopt An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 13589 C.M.S. And 13594 C.M.S. To Extend The Moratorium On Residential Evictions During The Local Emergency Proclaimed In Response To The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

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    EA Al about 4 years ago

    We MUST extend the Eviction Moratorium to protect tenants in our city. Evicting people during a pandemic when most of us have lost sources of income makes zero sense for community welfare and safety. The housing crisis is already so bad here it is making national headlines and evicting tenants during COVID will make things even worse. Please stand up for Oakland's residents and keep Oakland housed, and safe. Appreciate your support.

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    Amanda Meyer about 4 years ago

    Please extend the eviction moratorium. Neighbors who are already struggling to navigate the economic crisis should not be forced from their homes during a dangerous pandemic. Thank you!

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    Marin Callaway about 4 years ago

    D3 Resident--I fully support extending the eviction moratorium. As someone who works with housing insecure and low-income community members, I have seen the horrible toll of the pandemic and unprecedented job loss on tenants. We cannot allow tenants to be evicted during a global pandemic which is disproportionately impacting low-income, working class, and POC community members. Due to the extreme housing shortage in the Bay Area and high rents, tenants who are evicted may end up homeless and at even greater risk of COVID-19. It is essential that residents maintain their housing regardless of ability to pay at this time.

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    Jessica Mitchell about 4 years ago

    The pandemic is still going strong, we need to keep our community safe and at home! That means continuing the eviction moratorium!

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    Esteban Sardera about 4 years ago

    The Tenant Protection Ordinance has not been properly vetted or thought through! You are going to kill small mom and pop landlords with these changes especially owner-occupied duplexes and triplexes where (a) we can't control who we rent to that lives in our own home - even a rented room! - and 100% of rental income could disappear, and no vetting of need is included in the eviction moratorium.

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    noreen jesani about 4 years ago

    Please extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the local state of emergency is lifted. No one should be pushed out during a pandemic.

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    Anne Mav about 4 years ago

    Please extend and increase tenant protections for at least 45 days beyond the end of the pandemic. Please halt rent increases for at least six months after this. People are out of work and businesses are closed to keep the entire community safe from an unprecedented health emergency. We should keep them safe for this sacrifice (despite trump's rhetoric, even the temporary extra unemployment money isn't enough to match pre-pandemic earnings). We need to reduce homelessness and increase housing security for everyone. Extending and strengthening this moratorium is an easy step in this direction.

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    Charlie Edman about 4 years ago

    It is imperative that you extend the Eviction Moratorium to protect tenants in our city. No one should be evicted during a pandemic, and our housing crisis is already dire. Please stand up for Oakland's residents, especially in a moment when the federal unemployment benefit expansion, which has been the only thing allowing many of us to pay our rent during this pandemic, is expiring next week. Keep Oakland housed.

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    Ryan Furtkamp about 4 years ago

    If the city council does not vote to extend the eviction moratorium, Oakland will see an unprecedented wave of evictions as soon as landlords are legally allowed to move forward with evictions. Do not pull this item off the consent calendar. Pass it as is.

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    Jocelyn Cansino about 4 years ago

    My name is Jocelyn Cansino and I live in District 3. I am calling to urge you to IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the local state of emergency is lifted. Getting rid of the moratorium would trigger an even more extreme homelessness crisis. In addition, experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps everyone safe. Evictions are an act of state violence.

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    Josh P about 4 years ago

    Open-ended poorly defined legislation.

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    Lee GoodmanGargagliano about 4 years ago

    The last thing we need right now is to exacerbate our homelessness crisis in Oakland by failing to protect tenants who are facing impossible rent given the economic impacts of the pandemic. We need to extend eviction moratoriums and find rental assistance in order to keep Oakland residents housed. Please pass this resolution and continue to work to find ways to protect Oakland renters.

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    Regina To about 4 years ago

    Resident of district 2. I support this measure.

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    Ember Kraus about 4 years ago

    My name is Ember Kraus and I live in District 4. I am calling to urge you to IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the local state of emergency is lifted. Getting rid of the moratorium would trigger an even more extreme homelessness crisis. In addition, experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps everyone safe. Evictions are an act of state violence.

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    Ee Conner about 4 years ago

    Please take action that the federal and state government refuses to in order to protect Oakland tenants from homelessness, illness and death through the COVID-19 pandemic and it's economic impact. Please extend the Emergency Eviction Moratorium.

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    Balsm Fur about 4 years ago

    It is vital that you pass the Emergency Eviction Moratorium Extension for the well being of our city.

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    Angelica San Jose about 4 years ago

    I'm a homeowner in D5. Please extend this eviction moratorium, with an additional grace period after the end of the local emergency period. Where possible, please mandate rent forgiveness so that renters won't have mounting debt hanging over their heads after this crisis is over.

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    Tai F about 4 years ago

    It is critically important that Oakland extend the eviction moratorium and forgive any deferred rent that has accumulated as debt for tenants during shelter-in-place! The economy has not improved and all signs point to more hardships rather than less. If back rent is not forgiven and the moratorium is not indefinitely extended, we are going to see a tidal wave of evictions and homelessness this winter, when covid-19 is expected to surge. Homelessness is obviously a huge issue in Oakland historically and in the present moment, but since Covid-19 disproportionately affects people who are in housed, this would provide even more of a humanitarian and public health emergency.

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    Eleanor Liu about 4 years ago

    My name is Eleanor Liu and I live in D3. I urge City Council to extend the Emergency Moratorium on Evictions immediately. I coordinate the Tenant's Rights Hotline at Causa Justa :: Just Cause. Every day we get calls from tenants across Oakland who are terrified of losing their homes. These tenants are being harassed and intimidated by their landlords constantly-- their safety and mental health under constant attack because they cannot pay their rent due to the pandemic. Being able to tell these tenants that they are protected from eviction is one crucial piece of hope and stability we have been able to offer them. Our communities desperately need this protection. Many of them are not getting their jobs back any time soon and are struggling just to put food on the table. The eviction moratorium is the difference between a family getting to keep their home and getting put out on the street. City Council, you have a responsibility to protect our most vulnerable communities. Please extend the Moratorium on Evictions now.

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    Ryan Flanagan about 4 years ago

    I live in District 3 - please IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the local state of emergency is lifted. We were already facing an enormous housing crisis before the onset of COVID-19 and increased evictions will only exacerbate the issue. Like the pandemic and police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps us safe, not the police. Please do not punish the most vulnerable members of our community!