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Agenda Item

2.2 20-0519 Subject: Emergency Eviction Moratorium Extension From: Councilmembers Bas, President Pro Tempore Kalb And City Attorney Parker Recommendation: Adopt An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 13589 C.M.S. And 13594 C.M.S. To Extend The Moratorium On Residential Evictions During The Local Emergency Proclaimed In Response To The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

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    Lindsay Imai Hong about 4 years ago

    As an almost 20 year resident of Oakland, I've seen how high housing costs have driven out long-time Oaklanders, thrown lives into chaos, made it hard for my kids' classmates to focus and feel secure. I am from District 5 and strongly support this proposal.

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    Michael Browning about 4 years ago

    This is a half-measure compared to comprehensive rent relief, but it is a necessary one so long as it remains uncertain as to when or if such relief is coming. No one deserves to lose housing as a result of this calamity. The secondary health and economic effects on individuals and the community should more people be pushed into homelessness are staggering, and their moral and practical costs far in excess of what landlords might experience in the face of an extended eviction moratorium.

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    Julia Shackelford about 4 years ago

    I support extending the moratorium on evictions in Oakland throughout this pandemic and for 90 days after the state of emergency has ended.

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    Kara Murray about 4 years ago

    I'm a district 1 resident. I'm lucky to have the means to continue living in my apartment, but cannot imagine how terrible it would be if COVID-19 had affected my ability to work and pay rent and suddenly having a roof over my head is in question. Shelter and safety are human rights. We must continue the moratorium on rend and should consider cancelling all rent debt.

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    Bill Burkholder about 4 years ago

    As a resident of Oakland, I believe it's essential to stabilize our local community and economy by keeping everyone in their homes during the current pandemic crisis. Allowing evictions will only pour fuel on the fire, causing needless, senseless, and entirely preventable harm. Oakland - and the rest of California and the US - will rebound far more quickly as the pandemic is brought under control if people aren't forced from their homes and can sustain their own and their family's well-being as much as possible.

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    Allie Pollak about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 4 and URGE the city council to immediately extend the Eviction Moratorium for the duration of the pandemic, though that alone is not nearly enough to protect Oakland renters from the wave of predatory displacement that has been tearing apart Oakland's working class communities of color for years. I am volunteer on a tenant's rights hotline here in Oakland, and the eviction moratorium is often the only thing between the tenants I work with having housing, and them being displaced to the streets in the midst of a deadly pandemic. Even with this protection, bad-actor landlords continue to attack tenants, forcefully displacing them through harassment and intimidation. We need to extend the Moratorium, strengthen tenant's rights, as well as immediately shift resources away from OPD's horrifically overblown budget and towards the housing, healthcare, education our communities DESERVE and NEED to stay safe during these overlapping public health crises of Covid-19, racist police violence, and speculation driven displacement.

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    Tiffany Bennett about 4 years ago

    As a member of District 1 I strongly encourage all Councilmembers to support this amendment. Thank you!

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    Isaac Katten about 4 years ago

    District 2 resident here - please keep people in their homes, I support a moratorium on evictions and a larger plan to protect tenants through the epidemic and beyond.

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    Alvina Wong about 4 years ago

    It is critical that this moratorium get extended, we need certainty and protection in these uncertainty of the pandemic and the economic conditions.

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    Rachael Devlin about 4 years ago

    As a resident of District 3 I urge you to extend this moratorium on Evictions.

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    Kaija Carter about 4 years ago

    I’m an Oakland resident living in district 6 and I strongly approve of expanding tenant protections for renters in Oakland. Now is the time more than ever to work swiftly to pass strong and effective tenant protections for renters in this city. Tenants are dealing while increased harassment from landlords who are not placing their needs and lives as priority, but instead are stead fast on making profits while thousands of tenant struggle during this crisis. Renters deserve dignified living spaces and that includes being free of mistreatment from landlords during a global pandemic. Tenants cannot wait, so I urge the council members to pass these amendments on behalf of Oakland residents immediately!

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    Sara Brink about 4 years ago

    I live in District 1. Extend the eviction moratorium. There is no sensible reason to cause mass displacement during an uncontrolled pandemic. The damage it would do to the people of Oakland would be enormous and irreparable.

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    Megan ShaughnessyMogill about 4 years ago

    Hello, My name is Megan Shaughnessy-Mogill and I live in District 3. I urge you to IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the state of emergency is lifted. Experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Like the pandemic and police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps us safe, not the police. City Council must Defund OPD by adopting Kaplan/Bas's cuts of at least an additional 11.4M and reimagine public safety. They must also extend the Eviction Moratorium until at least the end of the local state of emergency, pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades, and protect workers by passing the Right to Recall ordinance. Thank you!

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    chris durazo about 4 years ago

    My name is Chris Durazo and I live in the Laurel District. I urge you to IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the state of emergency is lifted. Experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Like the pandemic and police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps us safe, not the police. City Council must Defund OPD by adopting Kaplan/Bas's cuts of at least an additional 11.4M and reimagine public safety. They must also extend the Eviction Moratorium until at least the end of the local state of emergency and pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades. Thank you!

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    Sara Brown about 4 years ago

    I support the emergency eviction moratorium extension! Although I believe we should go farther and cancel rent and mortgages until the end of the crisis. Help renters stay housed and not go into debt.

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    Andrea Passwater about 4 years ago

    I live in District 1. Oakland needs to take care of its people, which means not evicting them in the midst of a global pandemic, with unemployment at record highs. The economic crisis will not immediately end when COVID cases go down or even when the vaccine is widely available. My friends and colleagues face the very real possibility that they will lose their homes, and need to see the Oakland city council understand this, care about this, and take action to protect us by extending the eviction moratorium and passing tenant protection upgrades.

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    Jordan stern about 4 years ago

    Support the eviction moratorium. Housing is a human right and its disgusting to see so many people in Oakland forced on to the streets while luxury condos are built and houses stay empty so investors can flip them for big bucks.

    I'm voting in November as a member of East Bay DSA and I'm watching this.

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    Rebecca Hom about 4 years ago

    My name is Rebecca, and I live in District 5. I am in support of this eviction moratorium extending and being connected to the local state of emergency.

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    Tony Toppano about 4 years ago

    By passing this the city council is effectively sacrificing one group to save another. The solution is direct rental assistance to those in need, not a blanket ordinance that basically says it is okay to not pay your rent. Our city does not need another foreclosure crisis.

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    Allan Leong about 4 years ago

    Do not pass this extension. It is open ended and will lead to another foreclosure crisis further hurting our housing situation. Owners and renters need direct assistance from government. The trickle down/ trickle up of a free pass to not pay bills will have lasting consequences for our city.