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Agenda Item

2.2 20-0519 Subject: Emergency Eviction Moratorium Extension From: Councilmembers Bas, President Pro Tempore Kalb And City Attorney Parker Recommendation: Adopt An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 13589 C.M.S. And 13594 C.M.S. To Extend The Moratorium On Residential Evictions During The Local Emergency Proclaimed In Response To The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

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    Eric Dittman about 4 years ago

    We cannot force these people to pay rent they don’t have to people who likely don’t need it. Rent is a racket itself but right now it will get people killed and leave them starving. Being forced to pay for shelter is exploitation.

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    Tess Clabby about 4 years ago

    Extending the eviction moratorium is absolutely essential for the health and safety of the community during this global pandemic.

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    Amy Fourrier about 4 years ago

    Please extend the moratorium and cancel rent

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    Sophia Cross about 4 years ago

    I am a resident and voter in District 2. I fully support this measure. The absolute last thing this city needs right now is a massive wave of evictions, which is exactly what will happen if the moratorium is lifted.

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    Christina Gut about 4 years ago

    D3 resident demanding city council do its job and extend the moratorium! And defund opd and shift those resources to support tenants in crisis right now. Housing keeps us safe! The police terrorize us. Serve the people and extend the moratorium now!

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    Elena Sp about 4 years ago

    Tenants need continued protections during this global pandemic and economic maelstrom. As a landlord, I fully support this resolution.

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    Rachel Shipps about 4 years ago

    I write in support of the emergency eviction moratorium extension. This provides a basic level of support to residents who have lost income or may lose income, amidst high and rising housing prices and the continued spread of the coronavirus.

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    Kara Brodfuehrer about 4 years ago

    The Covid crisis is far from over and an extension of the eviction moratorium is necessary to protect the health and safety of our community!

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    Jeff Pollet about 4 years ago

    My name is Jeff Pollet and I am in D3. Extending the moratorium on residential evictions until the covid19 emergency has subsided is the right thing to do.

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    James Boudreau about 4 years ago

    My name is James and I am a resident of District 1. The council must extend the moratorium on evictions until we have a handle on the COVID-19 crisis. Other than housing being a basic human right, causing thousands of residents to become unhoused is immoral during a global pandemic and would make the local crisis worse. Please do the moral thing and keep people in their homes.

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    Amanda Amato about 4 years ago

    My name is Amanda Amato and I live in District 2. The council must extend this moratorium! The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over and our neighbors need help to stay in their homes. Thank you.

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    Tisha Barros about 4 years ago

    We call on our City Council to IMMEDIATELY extend the existing blanket moratorium on residential evictions until the end of the local state of emergency. This will limit the exacerbating effects the coronavirus crisis is having on Oakland’s housing crisis. City Council must also extend the eviction protections for our small businesses and pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades so that tenants are not harassed out of their homes.

    Please do the right thing. Wouldn't it be great if Oakland could and would take care of all of it's residents? Helping people now before they need it is a more cost effective way of handling a potential catastrophic unhoused surge.

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    Jenna Gaarde about 4 years ago

    I am a D3 resident. We are in a pandemic and a housing crisis. Please extend the eviction moratorium indefinitely.

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    Gretchen Till about 4 years ago

    Keeping people housed is healthcare. And we are in a healthcare emergency. Extend the Emergency Eviction Moratorium.

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    Sarah Cadorette about 4 years ago

    Please extend this moratorium until at least the citywide Emergency has been lifted! As we know, coronavirus cases have not gotten better, despite our hopes that life will "return to normal"--they have, in fact, increased, as more and more Oakland residents are seeking unemployment benefits, and the pandemic unemployment payments end in less than two weeks. You have the power to prevent more homelessness in Oakland! All eyes are on you!

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    A Turner about 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident and tenant of District 2. Please extend the eviction moratorium indefinitely and work toward rent cancellation for tenants and small business owners. Renters in Oakland struggled to pay rent before the pandemic. Tenants need this eviction moratorium and also need to be free from back payment of rent. Please be bold and rise to the challenge of making this happen!

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    Aislinn Sterling about 4 years ago

    My name is Aislinn and I live in District 1. I'm writing to urge you to please extend Oakland's eviction moratorium immediately until the local state of emergency is lifted. Experts warn of a flood of evictions due to COVID-19; no one should be pushed out during or because of a pandemic. As with police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of this crisis. Housing should be a right, not a privilege--ALWAYS and now, more than ever.

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    Karin Drucker about 4 years ago

    As a D3 resident and former housing advocate, Oakland must be a leader in protecting our VERY vulnerable residents from predatory post-COVID landlord tactics. We must remember that the majority of Oakland residents are renters, that the vast majority of Black people and POC residents, in general, are renters, and that any weakness in protections will be abused by landlords and speculative management companies. It is vital to remember that land/building owners and property management companies are investors -- and nothing in the free market guarantees a return on investment. Rather it is much, much more important to protect our unique resident base and to preserve housing where it exists. An unimaginable crisis of homelessness awaits us if we don't.

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    Alex Au about 4 years ago

    Right now, Oaklanders are struggling with the effects of the current public health crisis on our families, our health, our income, and our housing security. 58% of Oaklanders are tenants, with almost half making less than $50,000 a year.* Many people are losing their jobs or having their hours cut. Many are caring for children who are now home from school. All of us deserve to be housed.

    No one should have to worry about an eviction notice during this pandemic. No one should be forced to scramble for new housing during a time of statewide quarantine. City Council must cancel all eviction notices during the state of emergency, regardless of the reason for eviction, so that Oakland tenants can focus on their families, their livelihoods, and their health rather than impending eviction cases.

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety and community stability. Our community, made up of workers, tenants, unsheltered folks, people with disabilities, and more, must continue to push for the broader racial, economic, gender, disability, and environmental justice that we need.

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    Olivia G about 4 years ago

    D3 resident - please extend the moratorium to protect Oakland residents during this global pandemic. Thank you for your time and work.