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Agenda Item

15 20-0556 Subject: Resolution In Support Of The Reimagining Public Safety Task Force From: Councilmember Taylor And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Creating The Re-Imagining Public Safety Task Force To Create A Plan To Dramatically Shift Resources From Enforcement And Punishment To Prevention And Wellness For Integration In The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-23 Budget Using A Robust Engagement Process With Community Stakeholders Rooted In Transparency And Accountability Including Those Who Have Not Been Included In The Conversation, And (2) Waiving The Advertising And Request For Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/RFP) Process For A Contract With A Consultant Facilitator In An Amount Not To Exceed $100,000, And (3) Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Future Monetary Or In-Kind Grants, Donations Or Contributions From Federal, State, County, Local Or Other Entities For The Task Force To Carry Out Its Designated Mission

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    Zoe Baghdoyan about 4 years ago

    As a resident of District 1, I strongly support this measure!

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    Sophia Cross about 4 years ago

    I wholly support this measure. Those who have been most impacted by police violence are the ones whose voices need to be centered in any conversation on re-imagining public safety.

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    Jessie Murphy about 4 years ago

    I am a D4 resident and voter. I support this resolution and expect to see Oakland community members most impacted by police surveillance, harassment, and violence heavily represented on this task force and in any decision-making that emerges from its work. Thank you.

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    Leeann Alameda about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 2. I am a proponent for reallocating resources so that police are not tasked with dealing with issues that could be handled well by social workers and trained staff, especially when it comes to mental health. I am very close to and the conservator for a young African American man with developmental and mental health disabilities. I get it. However I am a resident that lives near Lake Merritt which has seen large crowds gather in way that is dangerous for public health and safety. Often the only assistance we get is from OPD and have been repeatedly told by City officials our only course of action is to call the OPD non-emergency number as issues escalate. We are not getting appropriate resources now and often police are not equipped to manage these situations in a safe way. My concern is there will be even fewer resources put toward this intolerable and unsafe situation we’re experiencing on an almost daily basis now at Lake Merritt. Our experience in seeing this activity for the past 3 years is rules are only followed if there is enforcement. I am open to other solutions but so far I have seen no other options presented that have actually worked.

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    Tim Minezaki about 4 years ago

    I am a long-term District 1 resident and strongly support this resolution to develop a long-term plan to strategically divest from OPD and reinvest in our community.

    As with other commenters, I believe the recommendations from this taskforce should be guided by input from community members who's daily realities are most impacted by racial profiling, police intimidation, and violence.

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    Alan Marling about 4 years ago

    I support both the resolution and the intent of the task force.

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    Ashleigh Halverstadt about 4 years ago

    As a resident of district 3, I strongly urge you to support this resolution to establish the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force. It is past time for us to divest from OPD and reinvest in programs that actually keep us safe.

    Interim Chief Manheimer reported to the Police Commission earlier this month that 67% of OPD calls/incidents relate to traffic violations, mental health, welfare checks, animal control, disturbances, homelessness, substance abuse, and other issues that SHOULD NOT be met with an armed response. Let’s develop a more thoughtful public safety system that actually addresses the root causes of the challenges we face.

    This process needs to be extremely transparent and led by community members who have been directly affected by police violence and systematically ignored for generations. And I don’t mean “transparent” like the City Council meetings, where residents have to navigate a labyrinth of confusing websites and documents, troubleshoot outdated technology, and sit through 8-hour meetings in order to make their voices heard. We need community engagement mechanisms that are designed to let the people closest to the problem lead the way.

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    Tisha Barros about 4 years ago

    I strongly support this. We need to defund the police and reallocate that money back to the community and it's well being.

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    Jenna Gaarde about 4 years ago

    I live in D3 and I support this measure to shift resources away from OPD and towards community wellbeing with the leadership of community stakeholders.

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    Carla Pea about 4 years ago

    My name is Carla Peña and i live In district 4. I support this measure to create a task force to address community issues which move us away from policing.
    Defund OPD and invest in social services.
    Stop law enforcement overspending and invest in services that truly make us safe!

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    A Turner about 4 years ago

    I am a District 2 resident in support of this resolution. Now is the time for change. We need to defund and divest from OPD and reinvest in our communities and reimagine public safety in a way that keeps our communities safe. I believe this Task Force needs to be led by community members and family impacted by police violence and by organizations supporting defunding OPD. I echo calls for this to be extremely transparent process, and that the meeting notes, minuets, and outcomes be made public, not only on the government websites, but published on social media feeds and other more accessible places. Thank you Council Members for your work thus far; please continue pushing for defunding OPD and reinvesting in community.

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    Andrew Morales about 4 years ago

    Defund OPD by 50%. The only reason I am supporting the proposal to gradually move to 50% by next year's plan is because APTP has been so hands on in ensuring that we actually get there and redistribute the money back to the community.
    - Defund by $150 million
    - redistribute this money into community resources and crisis management teams that do not involve the police in addressing emergencies (mental health professionals, social workers, community members)

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    Aislinn Sterling about 4 years ago

    My name is Aislinn Sterling and I live in District 1. I'm writing to express my vehment support for this Task Force, for defunding the OPD and funding programs and resources that promote meaningful community safety and wellness like employment opportunties, healthcare, affordable housing, mental health and addiction services, education and youth programs.

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    Ryan Harrison about 4 years ago

    I am a D1 resident and I fully support this resolution. The OPD must be defunded, and the funds must be diverted into our communities to support the residents of Oakland. It is essential that those who have not had a voice in these decisions before be radically and actively included in these discussions, especially those who themselves are victims of police violence in their communities. I would also advocate for a extremely transparent process, and that the meeting notes, minuets, and outcomes be made public, not only on the government websites, but published on social media feeds and other more accessible places. Defund the OPD! Fund our communities!

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    Olivia G about 4 years ago

    Strongly support this measure.

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    Nicholas Elizabeth Faby about 4 years ago

    I strongly support defunding the OPD to prevent more police brutality and to fund more programs that actually help Oakland residents. The task force must consist of community members who have been most hurt by police violence.

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    Alicia Lund about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of Oakland district 2. I support the creation of a community lead task force that involves leaders from communities and family members of those who have been most effected by police violence.

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    Conor Carroll about 4 years ago

    I support this community led task force, and encourage it to be as transparent as possible, and authentically engage all stakeholders.

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    Marin Callaway about 4 years ago

    D3 resident --strongly support this resolution to shift our resources from state violence to community care. Our community needs affordable housing, mental health services, non-police crisis response teams, and well-funded education to be safe not police. OPD consistently is a danger to residents, particularly those unhoused and Black and POC residents, and a liability to the city. The city and community have tried to reform OPD for decades. It is not enough.

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    Anne Mav about 4 years ago

    D1 resident/voter. I support this. Let's move funding from the violent and unsafe OPD in instead invest in housing, public schools, parks, the arts, libraries, healthcare and infrastructure. This will keep the money in Oakland and guarantee a brighter, better future for our city and its residents.