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Agenda Item

15 20-0556 Subject: Resolution In Support Of The Reimagining Public Safety Task Force From: Councilmember Taylor And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Creating The Re-Imagining Public Safety Task Force To Create A Plan To Dramatically Shift Resources From Enforcement And Punishment To Prevention And Wellness For Integration In The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-23 Budget Using A Robust Engagement Process With Community Stakeholders Rooted In Transparency And Accountability Including Those Who Have Not Been Included In The Conversation, And (2) Waiving The Advertising And Request For Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/RFP) Process For A Contract With A Consultant Facilitator In An Amount Not To Exceed $100,000, And (3) Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Future Monetary Or In-Kind Grants, Donations Or Contributions From Federal, State, County, Local Or Other Entities For The Task Force To Carry Out Its Designated Mission

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    Lindsay Imai Hong about 4 years ago

    Yes! This should be a top priority.. let's shift funds away from Oakland Police and into needed social, health and housing services.

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    Rachel Heydemann about 4 years ago

    YES YES YES! The Bay Area has tremendous resources and creativity, visionary ideas, and potent community-driven solutions - we are a true testing ground for transformation and I want to see Oakland honor its revolutionary heritage, emerging in this unprecedented moment at the forefront. I am disturbed to see our mayor sink to deem these efforts by Kaplan and Bas "dangerous", when it's the police force she's defending that has wrecked havoc on Oakland, devastating our communities by depriving them of critical, life-affirming, resilience-boosting resources. Bas and Kaplan are advocating on behalf of countless community organizations that have invested decades-worth of time and energy to develop alternatives to our current racist and harmful status quo. Please pass this, council. We are trusting you to protect us and protect Oakland's future.

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    Sara Brown about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 4 and I support this resolution. But, I also hope that this does not get caught up in committees and we can see results in getting more police off the streets. Please also include policy stopping the privatization of the police force that has come in the past with lower numbers of officers on the streets.

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    Alecia Harger about 4 years ago

    For decades the city of Oakland has let its racist, corrupt and dangerous police force go unchecked. This task force is a crucial first step towards substantive police reform but it will only succeed if community partners are being involved in every step of the process. That being said, I urge all of the Councilmembers to support this item.

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    Rebecca Hom about 4 years ago

    My name is Rebecca Hom. I live in District 5, and I support this measure.

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    Avi Simon about 4 years ago

    I'm writing in vocal support of this resolution. Oakland communities have ben torn apart by police brutality for too long. Now, citizens of this city are beginning to understand how law enforcement erodes all of our freedoms. It's time for this city council to take a stand, and pass reforms that move towards abolition.

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    Fritz Hochfellner about 4 years ago

    Please tell us how your re-imagined public task force will be able to enforce the rules and laws of this city. Our Lakeshore neighborhood is the perfect example that educating folks and signage are to be ignored, it has only increased crimes and caused a complete break down of societal norms our neighborhood calls Mayhem and Anarchy. I invite every city council person and the mayor to witness first hand what happens when there is no enforcement and consequences ( because of a mayors order) for breaking rules and laws. Council member Bas and Taylor have you no decency to propose such a known flawed systematic change in law and order. I implore the this council to vote NO on this proposal or demand an independent study of this.

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    Margaret Grimsley about 4 years ago

    This is critically important to making Oakland a city that is safe for all of its citizen. As a black woman who has lived in Oakland for over 50 years, I can't recall a single interaction with the OPD that made me feel anything but harrassed and/or threatened. The same goes for every single black person I know in this city. The last folks I want to see show up in an emergency situations are OPD officers. From harrassment of the Black Panthers to aggressive, violent treatment of current day protestors, they have never lived up to the creed of protect and serve when it comes to black people

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    Bill Burkholder about 4 years ago

    As an Oakland resident, I strongly support creation of the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force - this is a terrific step forward to engage stakeholders and the community to create a new national model for meeting the needs of our community while ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone.

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    Rachel AntronyLevine about 4 years ago

    I'm a resident of District 1 and I strongly support the creation of this task force, but only if it is led by communities directly affected by police violence, including organizations that have worked to amplify the voices and demands of families directly affected by police violence. Police cannot be on this task force. They can't be counted on to imagine crisis response without armed officers.

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    Ada Palotai about 4 years ago

    My name is Ada Palotai and I live in district 6. I urge you to IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the state of emergency is lifted. Experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Like the pandemic and police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps us safe, not the police. City Council must Defund OPD by adopting Kaplan/Bas's cuts of at least an additional 11.4M and reimagine public safety. They must also extend the Eviction Moratorium until at least the end of the local state of emergency, pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades, and protect workers by passing the Right to Recall ordinance.

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    Marcus Johnson about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose at this's reactionary and lacks the depth needed to gardner board participation.

    All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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    Mallorie Lynch about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district 3 and I support this measure. I also support full removal of police from this task force.

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    Amy Cook about 4 years ago

    Oakland has the opportunity to do something truly radical in reshaping our city as a place where community wellness is promoted above punishment and racial bias. Police can never have the same level of expertise in reacting to substance abuse and mental health crises as those in that field. Let's put resources into meeting needs with the best tools available and leave police to specific law enforcement work.

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    Christoph Neyer about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district 1 and I strongly support this measure. I urge the council to include stakeholders from the community and remove police from this task force. The police have a large enough voice already. It's time we heard from the community about how safety should work.

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    Rachael Devlin about 4 years ago

    As a citizen and resident of Distirct 3, I strongly support the creation of this Task force!

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    Sylvie Burkholder about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 1, and I strongly support the creation of the Reimagining of Public Safety Task Force.

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    Allyssa Victory about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of D7 and lifelong Oaklander. I urge the council to adopt this resolution and to ensure that the task force includes: people under 18, organizations who have been committed to divesting from police and who have been filling the gaps in services. The process must include transparency, community opportunities for real input (accessible formats), and adequate time to review specific legislative proposals ahead of the 2021 budget meetings. City's internal budget commissions and staffing expertise in service of the community's vision is appreciated as well.

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    Liz Binning about 4 years ago

    I am a District 1 resident and I strongly support this measure. OPD does not keep us safe; this has been established time and time again. We need to shift public safety away from OPD and including community stakeholders in how that is accomplished is imperative.

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    Shayna AsherSchapiro about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district 1 and I STRONGLY support the creation of a Reimagining Public Safety Task Force. It believe is crucial that individuals directly impacted by police violence and the organizations that are leading the fight to defund police be in charge of running this task force.