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Agenda Item

15 20-0556 Subject: Resolution In Support Of The Reimagining Public Safety Task Force From: Councilmember Taylor And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Creating The Re-Imagining Public Safety Task Force To Create A Plan To Dramatically Shift Resources From Enforcement And Punishment To Prevention And Wellness For Integration In The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-23 Budget Using A Robust Engagement Process With Community Stakeholders Rooted In Transparency And Accountability Including Those Who Have Not Been Included In The Conversation, And (2) Waiving The Advertising And Request For Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/RFP) Process For A Contract With A Consultant Facilitator In An Amount Not To Exceed $100,000, And (3) Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Future Monetary Or In-Kind Grants, Donations Or Contributions From Federal, State, County, Local Or Other Entities For The Task Force To Carry Out Its Designated Mission

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    Molly McClure about 4 years ago

    I'm a parent in D6, and I support reimagining public safety and shifting funds away from enforcement and imprisonment, and towards community health and well being.

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    Allegra MedinaSmith about 4 years ago

    resident of district 2 and I strongly support creating a plan towards continued divestment from OPD and all law enforcement in our community.

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    Ellen Smrekar about 4 years ago

    Resident of District 2 and I strongly support this resolution. We need to hear from the communities most impacted by police brutality and corruption and allocate the appropriate resources to those communities, not more police who often do more harm than good.

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    Jessi Barber about 4 years ago

    I am writing in support of the Resolution. It is imperative that the City Council reduce the OPD budget by 50% and reallocate funds to mental health services, education, youth programs and housing. This resolution’s commitment to doing this work via a stakeholder process that centers the community groups and populations most affected by racist violent policing practices is essential. The police department itself should not be involved in this process, and neither should the mayor’s office, as Mayor Schaff has clearly demonstrated that she is not interested in reforming the OPD in order to protect Oakland’s citizens.

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    Sara Levine about 4 years ago

    I am a District 3 resident and strongly support this resolution to divest in the police and reimaginee public safety in a healthy, community based way.

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    Kyle Kubas about 4 years ago

    I am a District 1 resident and strongly support this resolution to develop a long-term plan to strategically divest from OPD and reinvest in our community.

    It is imperative that the taskforce should be guided by input from community organizations like the Anti Police Terror Project who have been doing this work for a long time. I'm excited for Oakland to lead the re-imagining of public safety.

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    John Flores about 4 years ago

    My name is John Flores and I live in the Redwood Heights district of Oakland. I urge you to immediately extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the local state of emergency is lifted, as experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Like the pandemic and police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Extend the Eviction Moratorium and pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades. Reinvest 50% of OPD funding (~$150 million) into the health and well-being of our neighborhoods, mental health, education, restorative justice, healthcare, and youth programs.

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    hunter king about 4 years ago

    My name is Hunter King and I live in district 5. As a city, we cannot afford police violence or the violence of displacement. I urge you to IMMEDIATELY extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the state of emergency is lifted. Experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Like the pandemic and police brutality, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Housing keeps us safe, not the police. City Council must Defund OPD by adopting Kaplan/Bas's cuts of at least an additional 11.4M and reimagine public safety. They must also extend the Eviction Moratorium until at least the end of the local state of emergency and pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades to prevent tenants from being harassed out of their homes now and after the pandemic.

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    Tim Huey about 4 years ago

    Now is the time to truly lean in to the process of reimagining Public Safety. For all involved, whether one supports reform of the police department, reduction of the department, or abolition, we need to invest in this process to make sure we do it well. That way there aren't a lot of lingering questions afterward about the process we use.

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    Keani Lane about 4 years ago

    WE need to do something about the girls being bought and sold on International. They need professional support. The police can not fix this problem!

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    Elizabeth de Rham about 4 years ago

    I strongly support the creation of the Re-Imagining Public Safety Task Force. We need to start the process of re-allocating funds as soon as possible.

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    Mari Swim about 4 years ago

    Resident of District 4 and I strongly support this resolution. We need to hear from the communities most impacted by police brutality and corruption and allocate the appropriate resources to those communities, not more police who often do more harm than good.

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    Mark Halverstadt about 4 years ago

    Resident of district 3. I strongly support this proposition. OPD needs to retrain it's officers to deescalate potential violent situations. The OPD do not need to be the first and only response to the community's many needs. We need to re-think safety in our community so that it does not involve armed police responding to every situation that involves traffic violations, mental health, welfare checks, animal control, disturbances, homelessness, substance abuse, etc.
    This process needs to involve the community and the people on the ground close to these matters. Only that way can the OPD build trust within that community. Without trust, the OPD will not be able to investigate and respond when they actually are needed.

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    Gwendolyn Alcazar about 4 years ago

    I strongly support the resolution for the re-imagining of the Public Safety Task Force. (District 4 resident)

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    Katherine Genis about 4 years ago

    I am a District 2 resident and I strongly support the proposition to reduce OPD's General Purpose Fund by at least 50%.

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    Heather Imboden about 4 years ago

    I am a D1 resident and voter and I strongly support this measure to shift resources to communities that have been most impacted by police violence.

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    Michael Sosebee about 4 years ago

    We need more Oakland Police on duty, not fewer.
    This is wrong headed and will lead to more crime, not less.

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    George Yamashita about 4 years ago

    As a representative of the East Bay local branch of Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, we support this resolution by Councilmembers Bas and Taylor. We strongly urge the City Council to support the intent of the resolution by using the diverted funds to increase funding to efforts like Oakland Ceasefire, and community based organizations receiving funds via Oakland Unite. Those badly needed funds can increase their capacity to conduct increased work within the community in violence prevention.

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    Tess Clabby about 4 years ago

    I strongly support this measure. The Oakland community has been very clear that we need to reimagine public safety, divest from OPD, and reinvest in the community.

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    Amy Fourrier about 4 years ago

    District 3 resident in support