Adrian Vazquez about 4 years ago on Defund OPD by 50%

Update: Rebecca Kaplan has betrayed the movement and passed a budget that cuts nothing. After 103 of 106 attendees spoke to defund OPD rather than cut important city programs, Kaplan showed her true colors and didn't even fight for her own proposal (half the cuts of the Bas proposal).

The vote was carried by her, Taylor, Reid, & McElhaney. Vote them out in November.

Adrian Vazquez about 4 years ago on Defund opd

Like everyone above, I am in support of removing money from the bad investment that is the OPD and putting that money toward community mental health professionals, investments in housing & jobs for our least advantaged citizens. 90% of what the police do is NOT what police are for or does NOT improve our community. Cut that waste.
