
Bring old tired buildings back to a new and healthy life, by rejuvenating and restoring the fabric and the texture and the history of the unique buildings in the city, bring back the character and the nuance of previous lives and history while looking forward to the next generation...

Gloria Santos almost 9 years ago

Streets above McArthur Blvd lack sidewalks. The path from Oakland Zoo to Foothill Square is a walkable distance, but the lack of sidewalks make it difficult to move locally. People use their cars because walking is not an option.

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A diverse independent local retail community not only delivers more tax revenue that stays within the community, but helps foster places where culture and ideas flourish (places like bookstores, movie theaters, clubs, small unique boutiques, pubs and cafes). We do not want a sea of chain stores in downtown Oakland. We need support for local businesses for the unique cultural diversity and values they provide. This is what will make our city thrive as a destination.

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My fiance and I just bought a condo in Old Oakland and we love it. The new stores and restaurants have made the area so lively and give it a great neighborhood feel. We cannot wait to have and raise kids here. However, I think in order to make downtown more livable, it's necessary to add a grocery store like Trader Joe's or Safeway. Smart n' Final is great for some simple items but doesn't really bring people to the neighborhood. A store like Trader Joe's or Safeway would offer a wider variety of food and would therefore bring more people to shop in the area.

10 Votes Created

Diane Johnson almost 9 years ago

The people of Oakland need practical places to shop for our families and we need hip places to shop with our friends. Right now if you need department store items we have to head to Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Emeryville. If you want to have a fun shopping day Berkeley 4th street, Walnut Creek, San Francisco. Temescal is our only hip spot and it is small. Montclair is a MISSED Opportunity!! And all of our other sweet neighborhoods could be real quaint, distinct destination revenue zones.

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