Gloria Santos almost 9 years ago

Streets above McArthur Blvd lack sidewalks. The path from Oakland Zoo to Foothill Square is a walkable distance, but the lack of sidewalks make it difficult to move locally. People use their cars because walking is not an option.

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It's hard to attend community meetings when no end-time is published. It is a small detail but could result in more people attending.

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A diverse independent local retail community not only delivers more tax revenue that stays within the community, but helps foster places where culture and ideas flourish (places like bookstores, movie theaters, clubs, small unique boutiques, pubs and cafes). We do not want a sea of chain stores in downtown Oakland. We need support for local businesses for the unique cultural diversity and values they provide. This is what will make our city thrive as a destination.

0 Comments 8 Votes Created

The downtown specific plan is being conducted by a Coral Gables-based consulting firm. Our planning director moved here from the East Coast just a few years ago. The group guiding the process is SPUR, an SF-based advocacy organization. It's hard for me to trust the process when it's being managed entirely by outsiders. Why couldn't an Oakland-based organization such as OCO be part of the public outreach process?




Most times we have to plop down and the seats are much lower than we expect and we almost fall over backwards.

most times we have difficulty getting up and need help because the seating is so low. We could do this on our own if some seats were higher.

NOT SENIOR FRIENDLY This is true on BART trains, public bus stops, park areas benches, auditoriums, movie theaters, toilets, paratransit cars, etc. etc.

All seating should be marked for others to give up seats when required not only for handicap, but also for seniors like is done on the BART TRAINS.

INDEPENDENT SENIOR HOUSING: whether they put in large or small refrigerators on the floor, seniors can not reach the vegetable areas without falling over because they are simply TOO LOW and with high blood pressure seniors are apt to fall when bending down to access produce.

Some seating should be higher to accommodate not only small or large people but SENIORS as well.

Improve the quality of SENIOR SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES. Most are abysmal and no one from the city, it seems, checks on the quality of staff, food, maintenance, etc. The food quality is generally horrible and has not been updated as they are now in the schools. Why can’t seniors in these facilities have a MENU selection, instead of potatoes, morning, noon, and night. Why can’t we hire better licensed dieticians. The facilities are not adequately staffed with licensed qualified staff around the clock. Who oversees this from the city to ensure the county and the state are doing their jobs. My family has suffered in these facilities.

STREET SIGNS Ensure signage is large enough to be seen clearly by seniors and those with vision issues, whether walking or driving.

Ensure there are sufficient handicap zones around public buildings, theaters, museums, movie theaters. Improving biking facilities is fine, but think of the seniors as well.

Seniors have difficulty parking in the parking lots and getting to city services in Ogawa Plaza. Inadequate signs to direct you to the correct building. TOO MUCH WALKING. One always, it seems gets directed to the wrong building for services. For me, it’s a nightmare.

The best thing Oakland has is Seniors do not have to pay for parking. It is a lifesave for me in terms of money and in terms of walking. SENIOR HOTLINE have an automated senior hotline where seniors can leave messages for the City of Oakland. The automated tree directories are a mess and too often go no where.


Oakland is becoming the home to products of gentrification complaining of the heritage and culture of Blacks and people of color in Oakland.

City officials must not allow transplants to come in and silence the voices that have been Oakland for as many years as most of them have been alive.

Dialogue must begin between ALL who are concerned!

Education is Key, Ignorance is Bliss!

Image: Drummers of the SambaFunk! Funkquarians perform with members of the public at Lake Merritt in resistance. Photo by Tulio Ospina.

4 Votes Acknowledged

I want east Oakland especially MacArthur blvd area to get revitalize. There is no coffee shop or small restaurants I can just go enjoy to have a cup of coffee around here. There are many empty lots and small businesses are having hard time to keep their business.

Diane Johnson almost 9 years ago

The people of Oakland need practical places to shop for our families and we need hip places to shop with our friends. Right now if you need department store items we have to head to Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Emeryville. If you want to have a fun shopping day Berkeley 4th street, Walnut Creek, San Francisco. Temescal is our only hip spot and it is small. Montclair is a MISSED Opportunity!! And all of our other sweet neighborhoods could be real quaint, distinct destination revenue zones.

5 Votes Under Review

Marisa Raya, Economic Development Strategy Project Manager over 9 years ago

The City's Cultural Arts & Marketing Department is launching a Cultural Arts Plan to help organize and support Oakland's arts community. A Cultural Arts Plan may address facilities, placemaking, and career and business support for artists.

The Otis College of Art and Design in Sourthern CA has assembled some examples.

Many decisions are made about city operations and services that affect the quality of life of residents. It would be helpful if residents had opportunities for public feedback and education at the earliest points of consideration - before matters are voted on by the Council.

35 Votes Created