Take away the typing certificate from all positions. People that have full time jobs already don't always have the time to keep up a typing certificate every 6 months. Also, I have applied for jobs just like many people I know and because I don't have time to get a typing certificate I'm disqualified for the job when I was most likely more qualified then most candidates. We live in the day and age of computer with spell check typing certificates are a thing of the past when we used type writers. This will also allow a bigger pool of candidates.

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Bay Wisdom about 7 years ago

Property owners should not be able to over charge for rent because it makes the total rent of the area rise. I believe their should be a city wide set rate for each size bed and bath room with a certain square footage. This will keep Landlords from over charging to an extent because if you only have a certain square footage you have a cap on what you can charge within the cap of the size parameters.

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Too Many times the people have a question or an Idea and it is ignored because it's not in the City's best interest to respond or resolve the issue.

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We need to keep working families in Oakland and need to provide apartments and condos that are big enough for 4 people and maybe have outdoor balconies or common areas where kids can play. This is needed downtown as well as in the neighborhoods.

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No matter what kind of civic improvement we have and how much money we spend, we will not change/impact the view of Oakland without addressing our homeless population. We need to triage them to appropriate housing, drug, alcohol and mental health facilities. I think there are many examples of doing this with proactive outreach not by the police but by people who work with and understand these issues. I am all for the police but they should be working on criminal activity and not those with mental illness. I am struck driving especially in downtown Oakland by the people camping under the freeways and on our streets. Of course there are some people gaming the system but I assure you that this is the great minority. This will do more to improve the City of Oakland than millions spent on new infrastructure.

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