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Agenda Item

2.17 22-0144 Subject: 14th Street Safety Project From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Approving The 14th Street Safety Project; Approving The 14th Street Safety Project Parking Management Plan; And Adopting California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

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    Scott Karoly over 2 years ago

    We need a safe route for bikes and pedestrians from West Oakland to the lake and downtown. I’m fully in support of the 14th street safety project and feel that it is necessary to give more space in the right of way to non automobile modes of transportation to prevent future deaths at the hands of car traffic.

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    Damian Hirsch over 2 years ago

    I'm writing to support the 14th Street Safety Project without further delay. We demand safe streets and an end to the traffic violence that is killing us. This project has been delayed so many times, and that delay has caused a tragic and utterly preventable death. I do not feel safe on 14th Street; trying to ride a bike on it is terrifying. We need immediate action for safe streets. Approve this project now.

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    Leslie Radin over 2 years ago

    I'm writing today to ask you to please support the 14th Street Safety Project at Tuesday's vote. The number of traffic-related injuries and deaths along that route is unacceptable, and I'm extremely concerned about it, especially following the horrific death of a cyclist earlier this month while his children were there to witness it. That could have been prevented if this plan had been completed. Please vote in favor of the 14th street project, and help make it a safe community area for all.

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    Dianne Yee over 2 years ago

    The 14th Street Safety Project is long overdue. There is currently no safe east-west cycling route. This project would connect West Oakland to Downtown and Lake Merritt, as well as construct pedestrian safety improvements and deter speeding drivers who threaten lives.
    Staff has worked hard on developing this project, conducted outreach to local businesses and residents, and presented the project multiple times at the Bicyclist & Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC). The project has high levels of community support.

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    Idalia Perez over 2 years ago

    Another preventable death last week on 14th! This is unacceptable. This project should have been completed by now. I exhort you to do whatever is necessary to protect pedestrians and bicyclists NOW! We need a fully protected bicycle lane, separated from vehicle traffic by raised concrete islands. We need shorter pedestrian crossings and more time for them to cross intersections safely.

    We also need to encourage drivers to switch to other modes of transportation like transit by making transit stops better for users. Please upgrade transit stops with new boarding areas, canopies, seating, and lighting!

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    Adam Messinger over 2 years ago

    This project should have been done by now! Shame on you all!

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    Raymon SutedjoThe over 2 years ago

    As a resident of West Oakland that regularly travels downtown, I often feel unsafe riding my bike down 14th street and I've had more than a few close calls. Simply put, the 14th street corridor is dangerous for non-car street users. This is a well-known fact and it's outrageous to see the lack of progress on safety improvements. Just yesterday (June 16), a father was killed in a hit and run as he was cycling down 14th with his sons. If we had built protected bike lanes and deployed traffic calming measures, he would've still been alive today.

    I am angry and frustrated at the glacial pace that City Council is moving. We've seen plenty of evidence that protected bike lanes work. We have the design. We had the funding secured years ago. It should not take this long to build safety measures for ONE street in Oakland, but here we are.

    I fully support this project and strongly urge Council to fast track its deployment. I also urge Council to build emergency physical barriers on high-injury corridors throughout Oakland as a stopgap measure. Support this project and get it done.

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    Brendan IrvineBroque over 2 years ago

    Just do it already.

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    Miles Lincoln over 2 years ago

    Please implement quick-build solutions such as these ( immediately, and begin permanent construction ASAP.

    Additional delays and debate will only result in more deaths.

    This system is broken.

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    Lauren Fernandez over 2 years ago

    Yet another cyclist was killed in Oakland while we wait for this critical safety infrastructure to be built. It should not be so dangerous to ride a bike in Oakland. This is critical safety infrastructure that will have benefits for air quality, climate change, and quality of life.

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    Megan Grant over 2 years ago

    Hello, I was the first person on the scene when our Oakland neighbor, Yun Yuen Tsui, was hit and killed by a shuttle at 14th and Madison in October 2019. I think often of Mr. Tsui and his family, he deserved better safety in his community. I am devastated to learn of another death on 14th St last night, June 16th, 2022. You, as our elected representatives and leaders, must make improvements to pedestrian and cyclist safety on 14th Street. I sincerely hope that none of you and none of our neighbors need to be victim or witness to another death on Oakland's streets. Please support this project.

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    Andrew Chuang over 2 years ago

    As a local resident and cyclist, I have had many dangerous experiences with speeding and in-attentive drivers in Downtown Oakland. Incorporating the proposed separated bike lanes and traffic calming islands will go a long way towards improving safety and accessibility for everyone who uses 14th. Encouraging more residents to use transit alternatives to cars will also lower traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions and air pollution. From the perspective of safety, health and climate, this project is a sorely needed break from the status quo. Please support this project.

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    Nico Ferrara over 2 years ago

    This project would help me feel safe biking my young children to daycare across the street from City Hall. Please approve!

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    Jonathan Hori over 2 years ago

    This project represents a substantial improvement from the status quo. It will benefit all road users, from cyclists and pedestrians, to drivers, local businesses, and public transit users. As a driver, I will feel much more comfortable with the simplified street design, with less fear of speeding drivers and double-parked trucks and cars. As a bike rider who must currently avoid this section of road, I will be significantly more likely to use this travel corridor and frequent the businesses which lie along it. The new protected bike lanes will also be crucial, as they will connect with the existing bike lane network west of 980 and along Lake Merritt, and will improve access to and from West Oakland. I strongly support this project.

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    Kuan Butts over 2 years ago

    Please support this project.

    The father who was killed yesterday in a hit and run could have had his life saved if this had been installed. Traffic violence in Oakland needs to be acknowledged as the crisis it is by Council - please consider not only supporting this project but fast tracking quick build emergency physical interventions on all high injury corridors throughout the city to protect pedestrians and mitigate our the hit and run fatality rate.

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    Caleb Smith over 2 years ago

    As someone who lives and works nearby, please support this essential safety upgrade- Caleb Smith

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    Caitlin Chan over 2 years ago

    I recently started commuting to work because of the new protected bike lane on telegraph. Additional protected lanes would allow me and others I know to expand the places we can travel to by bike safely, improving health and reducing carbon emissions.

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    Dane Miller over 2 years ago

    We need safe streets for all. Protected bike lanes not only make it safer for bikers, but for all road and sidewalk users. I support this.

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    Daniel Breach over 2 years ago

    Cyclists who have ridden on 14th Street know how harrowing and endangering it can be to ride in the same lanes as trucks and cars, and how there are currently few alternatives to traverse downtown, with most of them risky at best. Protected bicycle lanes and traffic combing would be massively beneficial to the safety and comfort of cyclists and pedestrians in the heart of downtown, but this plan would also create a vital (and currently missing) link for cyclists between West Oakland and downtown; this would allow cyclists continuous access from Nelson Mandela Parkway to Lake Merritt and back. This project will encourage more local citizens to take up cycling since it can offer them safety and comfort, thereby removing more cars from the road and reducing traffic and danger. It also offers accessibility, prioritizes bus riders with safe bus islands, and will bring additional pedestrians and commerce to the area.

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    Max Gara over 2 years ago

    As a father who commutes through downtown with his toddler on a bike, I strong support this measure to increase our safety. The time is now to fully implement protected lanes - our health and climate depend on it, literally!