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Agenda Item

16 20-0501 Subject: Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Amendments From: Council President Kaplan And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Amending The City Of Oakland's Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget

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    Ryan Furtkamp about 4 years ago

    OPD are violent outside agitators that are hostile to this city and its residents. The overwhelming majority of OPD officers do not live in Oakland, so every dollar of funding they get effectively is sent to the suburban towns where they live. That is money that could be better spent in Oakland. Beyond the nearly half of our city budget they have wasted in years past, they have cost our city tens of millions on unauthorized overtime and tens of millions in lawsuits. OPD has shown time and time again they can not be trusted or reformed. The only option left is to defund and disband.

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    Michelle Berry about 4 years ago

    I'm a resident in district 3. I strongly support reallocating money from the OPD budget toward housing, jobs, health care/mental health services, youth services, education, harm-reduction and other community-driven initiatives that directly help vulnerable populations rather than criminalizing them. I work for a background check company and have observed first hand how our criminal justice system perpetuates cycles of poverty and racism. On the contrary, secure housing and job opportunities are very effective at preventing recidivism. Let's reduce the harmful impact of policing on our communities and reinvest in the services we need.

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    Matthew Savener about 4 years ago

    Strongly support. Let's help our unhoused and addicted neighbors with this money. Let's reinvest in education and other community services that lift people up instead of push them down. Let's stop sending armed officers to nonviolent incidents. Let's reduce the strain and threat to our Black and Brown neighbors.

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    Jocelyn Cansino about 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Jocelyn Cansino and I live in District 3. I support the budget amendments from Council President Kaplan and Councilmember Bas to defund OPD and reinvest those funds in the community.

    I support defunding OPD by at least 50% ($150 million) and reallocating these funds.
    I demand the end of unauthorized overtime for OPD.
    I demand that fines and damages levied against OPD for unlawful actions be paid from their budget and not the city's general fund
    I demand that the money removed from the OPD budget be reallocated toward housing, jobs, health care/mental health services, youth services, education, harm-reduction and other community-driven initiatives that directly help vulnerable populations rather than criminalizing them.

    I thank Councilmember Bas for her leadership. She has listened to and led on behalf of the many Oakland residents who have been demanding the defunding of OPD through the thousands of e-comments, public comments, emails, calls, protests, and car caravans. I hope the Council will do what is right and pass this budget amendment.

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    Laura Bekes about 4 years ago

    I am a District 1 resident. I support the budget amendments from Council President Kaplan and Councilmember Bas to defund OPD and reinvest those funds in the community.

    I support defunding OPD by at least 50% ($150 million) and reallocating these funds.
    I demand the end of unauthorized overtime for OPD.
    I demand that fines and damages levied against OPD for unlawful actions be paid from their budget and not the city's general fund
    I demand that the money removed from the OPD budget be reallocated toward housing, jobs, health care/mental health services, youth services, education, harm-reduction and other community-driven initiatives that directly help vulnerable populations rather than criminalizing them.

    I thank Councilmember Bas for her leadership. She has listened to and led on behalf of the many Oakland residents who have been demanding the defunding of OPD through the thousands of e-comments, public comments, emails, calls, protests, and car caravans. I hope the Council will do what is right and pass this budget amendment.

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    Justin deWolfe about 4 years ago

    Resident D1 -
    I support defunding OPD by at least 50% ($150 million) and reallocating these funds.
    I demand the end of unauthorized overtime for OPD.
    I demand that fines and damages levied against OPD for unlawful actions be paid from their budget and not the city's general fund
    I demand that the money removed from the OPD budget be reallocated toward housing, jobs, health care/mental health services, youth services, education, harm-reduction and other community-driven initiatives that directly help vulnerable populations rather than criminalizing them.

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    Erica Hruby about 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident in District 6 and I support a budget amendment that redirects funds away from our violent, dangerous, overfunded and overreaching police department to initiatives that actively support and protect community safety, health, education and livelihoods.

    OPD perpetuates violence in our city. OPD makes criminals out of citizens. OPD is not equipped to handle the up to 40% of 911 calls that require help from medical professionals. The bloated, ineffective, and dangerous system of policing in our city needs to be addressed.

    Additionally, by reopening the budget and further defunding OPD and reallocation to prosocial, community-empowering and community-led safety initiatives, you have the opportunity to show yourself as allies to transforming the trajectory of Oakland's Black community.

    I support defunding OPD by at least 50% ($150 million) and reallocating these funds.
    I demand the end of unauthorized overtime for OPD.
    I demand that fines and damages levied against OPD for unlawful actions be paid from their budget and not the city's general fund
    I demand that the money removed from the OPD budget be reallocated toward housing, jobs, health care/mental health services, youth services, education, harm-reduction and other community-driven initiatives that directly help vulnerable populations rather than criminalizing them.

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    Lecia Finney about 4 years ago

    Support this redirection to the support of the community