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Agenda Item

16 20-0501 Subject: Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Amendments From: Council President Kaplan And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Amending The City Of Oakland's Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget

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    Hannah Westbrook about 4 years ago

    Homeowner and resident of District 1. I am writing in support of the budget amendments that immediately re-allocates funds from OPD and that commits to reducing the total budget by 50% next fiscal year. The community has spoken clearly that we are overwhelmingly in support of reallocating funds from the Oakland Police Department to community needs. I support a 50% reduction in OPD funds, and a community stakeholder process to determine how best to approach this work and provide non-police services for residents in crisis via trained, trauma-informed crisis responders.

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    Jasmin Canfield about 4 years ago

    I am Jasmin Canfield. I am a homeowner and resident of district 6. I am a mental health worker and licensed Clinical Social Worker at Highland Hospital. Too many times I have witnessed the population that I serve being brutalized and traumatized at the hands of police. I support the Anti-Police Terror project's demand to defund the Oakland police by 50% starting with council member Bas' proposal to defund a portion of the police budget today. This change is fundamental in the healing process in our community, and the funding can be used to start to provide the basics for healthy communities.

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    Jesse Squires about 4 years ago

    I urge all council members to support this budget cut to OPD so that we can reinvest those funds into our community instead of state violence! In fact, I don't think this amendment goes far enough. We should be cutting OPD's budget significantly more as we work to completely disband one of the most corrupt and scandal-ridden police departments in the country!

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    Adrian Cotter about 4 years ago

    I am a homeowner in District 3 and support the move to defunding the OPD by 50%. Councilmember Bas' proposal seems the right place to start and build from. The police are doing too much, and are too reactive. We need to fund better ways to address the problems of our communities: housing, health care, mental health care, and more.

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    Alvina Wong about 4 years ago

    I live in D6 and strongly support this resolution. These recommendations prioritizes the right and necessary services we need now while being fiscally responsible. OPD is taking too many resources from our communities who are hurting right now and their funds should be reallocated.

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    Deleted User about 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland District 1 Resident and I am writing in support of Council President Kaplan and Councilmember Bas' recommendation to reallocate funds from the OPD and invest into the community. Each dollar Oakland spends on policing is money that goes away from programs that have the potential to support needs for housing, food security, and mental health support. Our budget should be building towards the future Oakland we want to live in rather than focused on feeding the incarceration pipeline via increased police funding.

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    Leora Fridman about 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Leora Fridman and I am an Oakland resident and homeowner in District 6. I support this resolution, as well as the Anti-Police Terror Project’s demand to defund the Oakland police by 50% starting with Councilmember Bas’ proposal to defund a portion of the police budget today. We need to work on improving safety and providing adequate social services for all Oakland residents, and we need to reallocate funds in order to do so. I believe this change is fundamental, and, as part of the East Bay DSA, our 1,500 members are engaged and ready for the November election.

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    Molly McClure about 4 years ago

    Police violence must end -- and defunding the police is the only way to do that. Policing eats up half our city budget and shrinks our imagination about how to actually keep Oaklanders safe. Defund OPD & move the money to education, housing, healthcare and
    other services that our communities need! (D6 Resident)

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    Steff Wallace about 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I strongly support this resolution. We need to cut spending on OPD and invest in social and support services, healthcare, schools, and housing. People who live in the community know what's best for their community and should have a voice in directing funds where they are most needed.

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    Luke Jensen about 4 years ago

    As a resident of District 3, I strongly support Council President Kaplan and Councilmember Bas' recommendation to amend the budget and reallocate funds from OPD. OPD is a bloated institution that is tasked with responding to problems that it isn't equipped to solve. We should reallocate that money into social services that address the root causes of crime and which know how to deal with issues like mental health, drug addiction, and the effects of homelessness.

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    Elizabeth Gunston about 4 years ago

    My name is Beth Gunston and I'm a longtime Oakland resident currently living in D1. Too much of our city's budget is siphoned off to support state violence. I urge all councilmembers to support this budget cut to OPD so that we can reinvest those funds into community services that provide true, non-oppressive safety for all residents.

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    Katie Fleming about 4 years ago

    My name is Katie Fleming and I live in District 1. I’m commenting in support of Council Members Kaplan and Bas on the proposal to defund the Oakland Police Department by at least $25 million. We demand that you reallocate those funds into improving safety and providing adequate social services for all Oakland residents. Going forward, Oakland must divest from police and further invest in restorative justice practices, affordable housing, public education, and frontline mental health care for our communities.

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    Allegra MedinaSmith about 4 years ago

    As a resident of district 2 I strongly support this proposal - we need to reallocate funds into social services, schools, families, health care, keeping people housed and fed during this pandemic etc. OPD harms our communities while we are left with no support form our city, defunding OPD is long overdue.

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    Katrina Lapira about 4 years ago

    My name is Katrina Lapira and I strongly support this resolution. Please reallocate OPD funds to other city departments that will create more affordable housing, increase mental health services, and other life affirming programs.

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    Tathya Abe about 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident (District 1) and I strongly support the proposal to reallocate funds from the OPD. The staggering budget allotted to the OPD could do better and actually serve the people this city if they are redirected to AFFORDABLE HOUSING, FOOD SECURITY, SOCIAL SERVICES, SCHOOLS, YOUTH SERVICES, ETC. Continuing to fund the OPD to the current degree will only perpetuate the violence, racism and oppression to which we are witness and complicit.

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    Sara Levine about 4 years ago

    I am a District 3 resident and strongly support this resolution. The percentage of the city's budget dedicated to the OPD is outsized, and the services they provide should be revaluated to be in specific situations, only.

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    Jessi Barber about 4 years ago

    I am writing in support of the budget amendments that immediately re-allocates funds from OPD and that commits to reducing the total budget by 50% next fiscal year. The community has spoken clearly that we are overwhelmingly in support of reallocating funds from the Oakland Police Department to community needs. I support a 50% reduction in OPD funds, and a community stakeholder process to determine how best to approach this work and provide non-police services for residents in crisis via trained, trauma-informed crisis responders.

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    Gabriel Rosenstein about 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident and strongly support this proposal - amend the budget and reduce funding for OPD to fund more meaningful community services.

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    Kyle Kubas about 4 years ago

    I strongly support Council President Kaplan and Councilmember Bas' proposal to reallocate funds from OPD - and I oppose the Mayor's plan. Please amend this budget to remove additional funds from OPD!

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    John Flores about 4 years ago

    My name is John Flores and I live in the Redwood Heights district of Oakland. I urge you to immediately extend Oakland's eviction moratorium until the local state of emergency is lifted, as experts warn of a tsunami of evictions due to COVID-19. Like the pandemic and police violence, communities of color will bear the brunt of the crisis. Extend the Eviction Moratorium and pass the Tenant Protection Upgrades. Reinvest 50% of OPD funding (~$150 million) into the health and well-being of our neighborhoods, mental health, education, restorative justice, healthcare, and youth programs.