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Agenda Item

7 20-0369 Subject: Hospitality Worker Right To Recall Ordinance From: Councilmember Thao, President Pro Tem Kalb & Councilmember Gallo Recommendation: Adopt A Ordinance (1) Establishing A Travel And Hospitality Worker Right To Recall; (2) Amending Chapter 2.44 Of The Oakland Municipal Code To Include Enforcement Of Right To Recall As Part Of The Duties Of The Department Of Workplace And Employment Standards

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    Maria Mariscal about 4 years ago

    My name is Maria Mariscal, I am an Oakland resident and I am writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. The majority of hotel and food service workers have been laid off and many don't know if they will have a job to go back to.
    Workers need the City council to act now and give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay.

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    Cherri Murphy about 4 years ago

    My name is Cherri Murphy.
    I am a Social Justice Minister East Bay.
    I live in District 5, Fruitvale area.
    Thank you Councilmembers Reid, Taylor, Gallo and Bas for supporting this ordinance at the Community Economic Development Committee.
    Oakland workers who were laid off because of COVID deserve the to be the first to be called back once it is safe to return - rather than unscrupulous bosses using the crisis as a way to bring in new/cheaper workers, or as a way to get rid of workers who had previously spoken up for their rights in the workplace. Thank you.

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    Cynthia Morfin about 4 years ago

    My name is Cynthia Morfin, and I am a District 3 resident. I strongly support the proposed Item 7, the Right to Recall ordinance, Item 8, Stronger Tenant Protections and Item 12, proposal for an equitable city businesses tax model that will bring millions in funding to Oakland. We need to ensure that as we move towards how to resolve and move towards just recovery, that our workers are protected, our tenants in precarious housing don’t end up homeless, and we have the funding revenue to help care of all Oakland residents. Thank you.

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    Ramon Ruano about 4 years ago

    My name is Ramon Ruano. I work at the Hilton Oakland Airport. I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Diane Iglesias about 4 years ago

    My name is Diane Iglesias. I live in the Longfellow neighborhood. I have worked at the Claremont hotel since 1990. I work in the spa which has been closed since March 16th and do not expect it to open anytime soon. We need some assurance that we will return to our jobs when the county indicates that it is safe to do so. I fear that as it drags on that, that might not happen.These are uncertain times. please support us in passing this Right to Recall agenda item.
    Thank you

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    Elyssa Lewis about 4 years ago

    My name is ElyssaLewis. I live in District 3. I strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope and make sure that they aren't left behind in the economic recovery. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's only fair that workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business should have the first chance at coming back to work. Please vote yes on the Right to Recall Ordinance today!

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    Lynnetta Standberry about 4 years ago

    Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen of the Oakland City Council,

    My name is Lynnetta Standberry. I live in East Oakland in District 6. I am writing to you in sincere concern and Full Support of the Proposed Right to Recall Ordinance. I have lived in Oakland for 47 years-All my life. I have had the pleasure to work at the Claremont Hotel for 20 years .The Coronavirus Pandemic have pushed the entire nation to shut down and We, the Citizens of Oakland, have been laid off, for approximately 3-4 months as well.
    In the beginning of the Crisis, we have all waited patiently, just to find out that the State is still taking additional precautions and is not going to open anytime soon. For safety precautions this is very important. But in the meantime, We, the Citizens Of Oakland need reassurance that our City Officials will take a STAND for for us, the Residents of Oakland. We would like for you to help us receive FAIR Treatment and Respect.

    Can you imagine, the horrific nightmare of not knowing that We, will not have a job to return to.

    In fairness, we have dedicated a lifetime to these companies and we are asking that they return to us Respect, by calling us back to return first before hiring new employees. We are asking, You, The Oakland City Council to give us your Full Support in the Right To Recall Ordinance. We need you to Help us achieve this dream of Equality for Oakland California Workers and Pass this Ordinance immediately. Thank you.

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    Jocelyn Cansino about 4 years ago

    My name is Jocelyn and I live in District 3. I strongly support the proposed Item 7, the Right to Recall ordinance, Item 8, Stronger Tenant Protections and Item 12, proposal for an equitable city businesses tax model that will bring millions in funding to Oakland. We need to ensure that as we move towards how to resolve and move towards just recovery, that our workers are protected, our tenants in precarious housing don’t end up homeless, and we have the funding revenue to help care of all Oakland residents. Thank you Councilmember Nikki Bas, Councilmember Sheng Thao, President Pro-tem Dan Kalb for much of your leadership on these items as well as the many community organizations that have worked to ensure our most communities are protected.

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    Tony Evans about 4 years ago

    My name is Tony Evans I live in Oakland uptown neighborhood for over 60 years . I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked at Oakland Arena and Coliseum for 4 years. Because of the coronavirus, I have been laid off for three months. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Laura Bekes about 4 years ago

    I'm a District 1 resident writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Yulisa Elenes about 4 years ago

    Hi, I’m Yulisa Elenes I live in district 7 and I am also with UNITE HERE Local 2850, the East Bay hospitality and food service workers’ union. We are urging you to pass the Right to Recall ordinance without delay. Thousands of hotel, food service, and airport workers are laid off because of the pandemic, and many have no assurance they will have jobs to go back to when things get better. You can give thousands of workers and their families hope for the future by voting yes on this ordinance today. To recover from the pandemic, workers also need strong tenant protections and well-funded public services, so we are also asking you to support the tenant protections upgrade and the equitable business tax.

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    Merrit Savener about 4 years ago

    I live in Adams Point, District 3. I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Cara BautistaRao about 4 years ago

    As a District 4 resident, I strongly support the City Council adopting this ordinance for a right to recall for travel and hospitality workers. This ordinance creates a fair process for re-hiring workers and protects workers' rights in a time of great economic uncertainty. People should have the option to get their old jobs back if a business is able to hire again.

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    Sonya Karabel about 4 years ago

    I live in North Oakland in District 1 and I strongly support the right to recall ordinance! Workers need to be hired back in a fair process as the economy reopens.

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    Tram Nguyen about 4 years ago

    Dear council, I am a resident of District 4 and I wholeheartedly support this ordinance to help workers return to their jobs. We need to do what we can to mitigate the damage to our economy and society, and helping these most-impacted workers to keep their jobs and not become further destabilized is in the interest of all Oaklanders. I also support ensuring that implementation and enforcement of workers' rights is supported and resourced in the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards. This is a crucial piece in advancing our city's practice and commitment to equity. Thank you,
    Tram Nguyen

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    Liana Molina about 4 years ago

    I am a District 7 resident and voter and I urge you to vote YES on the right to recall ordinance. These are scary times we are living in. Thousands of people are without work and struggling to stay afloat. Please pass this ordinance to help give workers a sense of hope and some job security once the economy starts to pick back up. The Right to Recall law can be a tool for ensuring a fair process for workers to get their jobs back, and can help ensure a just economic recovery for Oakland's service workers.

    Thank you Councilmembers Reid, Taylor, Gallo and Bas for supporting this ordinance at the Community Economic Development Committee on June 22. I urge the entire council's support for this ordinance tomorrow!

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    Joshua Harris about 4 years ago

    My name is Joshua harrisI live in Oakland and my rep is Lauren Taylor. I strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope and make sure that they aren't left behind in the economic recovery. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's only fair that workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business should have the first chance at coming back to work

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    Mara Moreno about 4 years ago

    My name is Maria. I work and serve hundreds of members in the City of Oakland. My organization owns a building in the Fruitvale area and we, the Restaurant Opportunities Center of The Bay strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. They deserve to end this uncertainty and get the jobs back. Businesses would not exist without the blood, sweat and tears from our working class. Please vote yes on the Right to Recall Ordinance today!

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    Alicia Flores about 4 years ago

    My name is Alicia and I live in the Dimond District in Oakland (94602). I support the Right to Recall Ordinance because union workers are already suffering during this pandemic and should be able to count on getting their job back once the recession ends. Do the right thing and support these workers!

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    Angela Yahaira Breining about 4 years ago

    My name is Angela Yahaira Breining and I am an attorney with Centro Legal de la Raza in the Workers’ Rights Program. Centro Legal strongly supports the proposed Right to Recall ordinance
    The Right to Recall ordinance would protect against unscrupulous employers, who might see, in the temporary layoffs of this pandemic, an opportunity to get rid of workers who have spoken up about their rights. Within the last couple of months Centro Legal has heard many accounts of workers being laid off after working decades at their job merely for requesting to take sick time to take care of a family member, or speaking up about health and safety concerns. Without the Right to Recall these workers are losing out on a job they have counted on for many years just because they stood up for their rights.
    Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the COVID pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!