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Agenda Item

7 20-0369 Subject: Hospitality Worker Right To Recall Ordinance From: Councilmember Thao, President Pro Tem Kalb & Councilmember Gallo Recommendation: Adopt A Ordinance (1) Establishing A Travel And Hospitality Worker Right To Recall; (2) Amending Chapter 2.44 Of The Oakland Municipal Code To Include Enforcement Of Right To Recall As Part Of The Duties Of The Department Of Workplace And Employment Standards

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    Katie WatersSmith about 4 years ago

    My name is Katie Waters-Smith and I am with the California Work & Family Coalition. We are a statewide alliance of organizations and individuals who believe that all people should be able to take time to care for themselves and their loved ones without facing economic instability or job loss. We have members all over the state of California and in Oakland. I strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. The Oakland City Council must act now to give these workers some hope during these uncertain times. Workers who have dedicated more time to working for a business deserve the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without amendments or delay!

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    Kurt Kuhwald about 4 years ago

    My name is Rev. Kurt A. Kuhwald I live in Oakland’s District 3. I'm a Board member of East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy. I am also a member of the Faith Alliance For A Moral Economy (FAME) I want to register my strong support for the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. All Workers, and low wage Workers in particular in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers have been laid off. Many don’t know if they will be allowed to return to their former jobs. Workers need the City Council to act now to support them and make sure that they aren't left behind in the economic recovery. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid-19 pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. Workers who were already working for a business should be the first to be hired.

    It is imperative that you Vote Yes on the Right to Recall Ordinance today!

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    Johanna MirelesRodriguez about 4 years ago

    My name is Johanna Mireles-Rodriguez. I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked in the hospitality industry for 5 year's . Because of the coronavirus, In march we were put on furlough, but in may we were laid off permanently by email and so I’ve been out of work for the past three service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Catherine Kung about 4 years ago

    I work in D5. I get messages from families and individuals, mostly Latine folks in the community, who have lost their jobs due to COVID, and are afraid of eviction, not being able to buy food or medicine, and other horrible conditions. The people are suffering. This is the time to show the people that they can count on their city to support them by making sure those laid off have the first opportunity to be rehired.

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    liz suk about 4 years ago

    My name is liz suk, D7 resident and Political Director for Oakland Rising. I strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Our City Council must act now to give these workers some hope during these uncertain times. Before companies start hiring new employees, they first have a responsibility to their employees who were laid off due to the pandemic. Workers who have dedicated more time to working for a business deserve the first chance at coming back to work. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without amendments or delay! We need to move towards more just recovery now.

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    hunter king about 4 years ago

    I am a D5 resident. Most people in my building are Latinx immigrants and have been laid off due to Covid-19. All of these families have young children. Workers of color like them have lost their jobs at 3x the rate of white men in CA. We are looking at a massive surge in displacement, homelessness and racial inequity if we don't act now. Make sure laid off workers are the first to be rehired.

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    Max Pentzell about 4 years ago

    My name is Max Pentzell I live in East Oakland. I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked in the hospitality industry for over 20 years. Because of the coronavirus, I have been laid off for three months. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Xitlali Sanchez about 4 years ago

    My name is Xitlali Sanchez I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked at the Claremont club & spa for 4 years. Because of the coronavirus, I have been laid off for three months. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Francisca Carranza about 4 years ago

    My name is Francisca Carranza and I work in the city of Oakland. I am in strong support of the Right to Recall Ordinance. Workers in our community need your help to assure that they will return to jobs in which they have invested part of their lives. It is very important that you pass this ordinance without delay to make sure workers will continue to have a way to support their families when the economy improves. I am urging you to approve this ordinance today!

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    Denis Fildisi about 4 years ago

    My name is Denis Fildisi. I live in Alameda,CA.
    I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked at Oakland Airport for five years. Because of the coronavirus, I have been laid off on April. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope.
    Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Miguel Lopez about 4 years ago

    My name is Miguel Lopez. I work along side many workers at the Oakland Airport who have since been laid off due to the pandemic. I strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope and make sure that they aren't left behind in the economic recovery. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's only fair that workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business should have the first chance at coming back to work. Please vote yes on the Right to Recall Ordinance today!

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    Elsa Portillo about 4 years ago

    My name is Elsa Portillo I am a long time Oakland resident. I am in support of the Right to recall Ordinance, workers in the hospitality industry are uncertain that they still have a job to go back to. They need the City Council to give them hope and help them keep the job they had before this pandemic started. Please help workers by passing this ordinance without delay!

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    Evangeline Garcia about 4 years ago

    My name is Evangeline Garcia I live in Alameda.I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked at the Claremont Hotel for 3 years. Because of the coronavirus, I have been laid off for almost 4 months. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!

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    Monica Woodworth about 4 years ago

    Hi, my name is Monica Woodworth and I live in District 2. I strongly support the Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help! The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity - and priority - to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. Please support workers and vote yes on the Right to Recall ordinance today!

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    Tessa Sanchez about 4 years ago

    I live in North Oakland in District 1 and I strongly support the right to recall ordinance! Workers need to be hired back in a fair process as the economy reopens.

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    Trisha Barua about 4 years ago

    My name is Trisha Barua. I live in District 5 on Park Blvd. I strongly support the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. Workers in our community need your help. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope and make sure that they aren't left behind in the economic recovery. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's only fair that workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business should have the first chance at coming back to work. Please vote yes on the Right to Recall Ordinance today!

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    Alvina Wong about 4 years ago

    As a district 6 resident, I strongly support the right to recall ordinance because I believe workers who have been laid off due to covid closures should have the first right in the opportunity to get their jobs back. Please support and pass it today!

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    Dolores Moreno about 4 years ago

    My name is Dolores Moreno and I am a resident of Oakland Ca. I am writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. This unfortunate pandemic is nobodies fault, however, I do believe that the workers, any and all workers affected by this pandemic should not lose their job or be replaced. All of us should be guaranteed our job or at least the option to return to our previous job once this is over. Please vote yes on this ordinance. Thank you for your time.

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    Peter LaFreniere about 4 years ago

    my name is peter lafreniere, I live in district 1 and have worked at the Courtyard Marriott oakland airport for the past year and I urge you pass the right to recall ordinance. In march we were put on furlough, but in may we were laid off permanently, and so I’ve been out of work for the past three months. As federal unemployment runs out and the economy starts reopening, I don’t know if I will have a job to return to, and I am scared. If we can’t go back to work, how can we pay rent? It only makes sense that we should be able to go back to our jobs that we had before coronavirus shut the economy down. I am one of the lowest in seniority workers at my hotel, but I believe hiring back in order of seniority is the only fair way for us to return to work and we need that included in this law - otherwise managers can discriminate who they hire back in what order based on race, gender, age, or even just people who stand up for their rights at work. Those who have dedicated more time at to working at their job should of course have the first opportunities to return. Please support the Right to Recall ordinance, we need your help so that the coronavirus doesn’t leave thousands of people jobless for no fault of their own.

    I want to say that I support those tenant laws passing as well

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    Mario Savioni about 4 years ago

    My name is Mario Savioni. I live in Walnut Creek. I'm writing in support of the proposed Right to Recall ordinance. I have worked at The Claremont Resort and Spa for 27 years. Because of the coronavirus, I have been laid off for three months. The majority of hotel and food service workers are laid off, and many don’t know if they will have a job to go back to. Workers need the City Council to act now to give them some hope. Workers who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic should have the opportunity to get their old jobs back before companies start hiring new employees. It's especially important for workers who've dedicated more time to working for a business to have the first chance at coming back to work. Workers need your help. Please support the Right to Recall Ordinance and pass it without delay!