Agenda Item

3 20-0406 Subject: FY 2020-21 Mid Cycle Budget Amendments From: Finance Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 87759 C.M.S., Which Adopted The City Of Oakland's Fiscal Year 2019-21 Biennial Budget, To Make Mid-Cycle Budget Adjustments To: (1) Fiscal Year 2020-21 General Purpose Fund Revenue Projections; (2) Fiscal Year 2020-21 General Purpose Fund Appropriations; And (3) Fiscal Year 2020-21 Non-General Purpose Fund Revenue Projections And Appropriations

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    Steven Hanson over 4 years ago

    As a resident of District 1 how can it be that we still haven't moved in rerouting half of the OPD budget to community projects. We the people demand our elected representatives to redirect this money to the community through cutting the OPD budget in half.

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    Elena Eimert over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 3 and am so disappointed in the Mayor's proposal. It is the equivalent of a budgetary magic trick - little flash, and no substance. Council MUST work toward defining OPD by 50%. The only proposal that is even a serious start is that of Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas. Accepting any other proposal is a callous political show that will mean nothing for the people of Oakland, who deserve and demand more.

    We want the police disarmed, defunded, and disbanded. OPD is a bad investment. Community services are worthwhile, crucial and healthy investments. We need to start this process immediately.
    1. DEFUND OPD by 50%
    2. INVEST that $150 million in the Black New Deal and reinstating RJ programs in schools
    3. STOP the use of violence against protesters
    4. CANCEL CHP's contract & remove them from Oakland
    Listen to your constituents. Be on the right side of history.

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    John Jones III over 4 years ago

    My name is John Jones III and I am in full support of the MACRO program

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    Cassandra Carver over 4 years ago

    Despite the Mayor's insistence on reform, we have seen over and over again that reform has not worked when it comes to policing. There is no amount of sensitivity training that can fix a system historically rooted in racism and violence or a culture that encourages violence against our communities. Reform will not work!

    We DEMAND that Oakland City Council DEFUND OPD and REINVEST in community by:
    Defunding the Oakland Police Department by at least 50%
    Investing the money from defunding OPD into passing the full Black New Deal
    Stopping the use of violence of any kind against protestors
    Cutting the contract with the California Highway Patrol — who brutally murdered Erik Salgado in East Oakland two weeks ago — and removing them from Oakland
    We can best keep our community safe by using The People’s Money to provide living wage jobs, housing for all, youth programs, health care, restorative justice and other essential community services.

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    Heidi Walti over 4 years ago

    Speaking on agenda item #2 (FY2020-21 Midcycle Budget Amendments).
    I am a resident of district 1 and I am disgusted with Mayor Schaaf's budget proposal. The people have spoken and we want HALF of OPD's budget cut and reallocated into community services, affordable housing, healthcare, and restorative justice. Please stand up and take the bold action she refuses to make. We have the chance to be a progressive role model for the country. If you aren't willing, the voters will find people who will.

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    Cynthia L over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 2 and I am writing to urge you to Defund OPD by at least 50%. Hundreds of Oakland residents showed up to last week's City Council meeting to voice their concern about OPD. Thousands of Oakland residents are protesting in the streets, begging City Council to defund OPD. We are watching, we will take note, and we will vote accordingly. Be on the right side of history.

    I DEMAND that Oakland City Council DEFUND OPD and REINVEST in community by:
    -Defunding the Oakland Police Department by at least 50%
    -Investing the money from defunding OPD into passing the full Black New Deal
    -Stopping the use of violence of any kind against protesters
    -Cutting the contract with the California Highway Patrol and removing them from Oakland

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    Emily Heffling over 4 years ago

    My name is Emily Heffling. I am an Oakland resident in District 1, and soon to be new mother, urging you to defund OPD by 50% and invest that $150 Million into services that actually protect our community members. I want to raise my new child in a safe community, and that means one that isn't run by a militarized, violent police force. We need to invest in services that actually help people, like mental health services, restorative justice, affordable housing, youth programs, and more resources for schools. Why are we spending 50% of our tax payer dollars on a police force that is killing our Black and Brown residents. I support the spirit of the proposal by Nikki Fortunato Bas to reallocate (from the police budget) at least $25 million towards improving safety and providing the services our residents really need, but this doesn't go far enough. It is past time for radical changes. Invest OPD's budget in the Black New Deal, stop violence against protesters, and remove CHP from Oakland.

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    Iz Dev over 4 years ago

    Over 700 people e-commented on last week’s meeting. Over 150 spoke at the meeting itself. Over 95% of both sets of comments were in favor of defunding the police. Listen to your constituents.
    As Oakland residents, we continue to demand that you take immediate action to ensure the following:

    1. DEFUND OPD by 50%
    2. INVEST that $150 million in the Black New Deal
    3. STOP the use of violence against protesters
    4. CANCEL CHP's contract & remove them from Oakland
    Thank you for being on the right side of history. We will remember in November.

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    A Turner over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 2. Libby’s new proposed cuts are a slap in the face. How many times must we repeat ourselves and how many more people must die at the hands of police for you to cut their budget and consider new solutions to police? We want the police disarmed, defunded, and disbanded. OPD is a bad investment. Community services are worthwhile, crucial and healthy investments. We need to start this process immediately.
    1. DEFUND OPD by 50%
    2. INVEST that $150 million in the Black New Deal and reinstating RJ programs in schools
    3. STOP the use of violence against protesters
    4. CANCEL CHP's contract & remove them from Oakland
    Listen to your constituents. Be on the right side of history.

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    Caitlin Enwright over 4 years ago

    I’m calling on city council to create a budget that defunds OPD by at least %50.
    I see that Nikki Bas and Rebecca Kaplan’s amendments allocate roughly $10 - $25 Million out of the OPD, I respect the work you and your teams have done, but that is NOT ENOUGH. And it is NOT what you’re constituents are calling on you to do. We’re calling for courageous action to be taken to deeply cut OPD’s budget and transfer those funds out of their departments, out of city administration, and into community organizations, businesses, schools, and mental health teams. That means a mass layoff of sworn officers, liquidating their militarized gear, ending expensive and invasive public surveillance operations, salary cuts, as well as OPD paying for their own lawsuits and legal teams instead of our money used to pay for their misconduct and violence.

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    Stephanie Elkin over 4 years ago

    I am a San Francisco resident who works in Oakland. I strongly oppose this budget proposal that cuts money from essential services like housing, health care, and education, while maintaining the budget of a violent, militarized police force that has a clear record of terrorizing Black and brown bodies. Constituents have voted over and over again to reallocate their tax dollars to the community. It's far past time to listen. Black lives matter. Act like it.

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    Alex Haber over 4 years ago

    The Council must support CM Bas's visionary proposal to reduce OPD's budget by $25M mid-cycle and engage in a year-long planning process to reduce it by 50% in the next two-year budget cycle. Oakland has the opportunity to be a national leader in the movement to defund the police and re-envision community safety. Diverting funds from OPD now by reducing overtime and freezing vacant positions and reinvesting those funds in direct community safety and transition planning is a bold move that works toward urgent community demands. CM Taylor, Reid, Gallo, and McElhaney's proposal uses strong words about "ensuring justice for all," but its proposals don't meet that need. Tinkering on the edges of OPD and creating yet another "taskforce" does not meet the community's clear and persistent call for radical change now. I urge the Council to act on the right side of history: defund OPD now and commit to further defunding in the future to invest in true community safety and the Black New Deal.

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    Charlie Edman over 4 years ago

    Longtime district 3 resident and healthcare working writing to urge you to listen to your constituents and defund OPD by at least 50%, and reinvest that portion of the budget in life supporting services.

    I support the spirit of Council Member Bas’s proposal, but it does not go far enough.

    For years, it has been devastatingly clear that OPD does not make our community safer, and in fact, causes deep harm to our community, especially Black, Brown and un-housed residents.

    It is time that our budget reflects our communities needs. We demand that you:
    1. Defund OPD by at least 50%.
    2. Fund the Black New Deal in Full.
    3. End the city’s contract with CHP.

    You can stand on the side of justice by listening to your constituents and acting decisively. We are watching, and our votes next election depend on you doing the right thing today!

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    Allison Lopez over 4 years ago

    I live in District 3. As a resident of Oakland, I want to see at least half of the money currently used to fund police be re-allocated in ways that support, not harm, Black and Brown communities. Oakland needs more money invested in public education supports for grades k-12 (that doesn’t involve campus policing); we also need more avenues and supports for residents in mental health crises and for people with a substance dependency. I live in an area where I routinely see police harm instead of support people in mental and physical health crises and people without houses. That needs to stop! Put money into programs and services that help your residents! Also: the police need to stop using violence to try and control Oakland’s residents who are exercising their right to assemble.

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    Phi Tran over 4 years ago

    I am very frustrated by the lack of action from my own Councilmember who has not submitted or co-signed any amendments! It’s also offensive to see the Mayor continue to suggest stealing money from Measure Q to fund OPD.
    Further, these budget amendments do not go far enough. We are demanding a cut of 50% to OPD but we need the vision for 100% elimination. Without this vision, we will repeat the same mistakes of ineffective police reforms we’ve seen for 17+ years. Councilmember Bas steps in the right direction but does little to create any fiscal accountability for OPD. $25 million is nowhere near $150 million in cuts we have asked for.
    I hear Councilmembers asking to include specific demands reallocation of funds, but it really should not be that hard for you to figure out. The city faces a deficit of $120 million. If you cut $150 million from OPD, you can maintain vital services for the community and then re-allocate $30 million to funding the Black Deal in full!

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    Lisa Evans over 4 years ago

    My name is Lisa Evans and I am an Oakland resident writing to urge you to defund OPD.

    I support the spirit of the proposal by Nikki Fortunato Bas: "to reallocate (from the police budget) at least $25 million towards improving safety and providing the services our residents really need," but this proposal does NOT go far enough!

    Over 700 people e-commented on last week’s meeting. Over 150 spoke at the meeting itself. Over 95% of both sets of comments were in favor of defunding the police. Listen to your constituents.

    As Oakland residents, we continue to demand that you take immediate action to ensure the following:

    1. DEFUND OPD by 50%
    2. INVEST that $150 million in the Black New Deal
    3. STOP the use of violence against protesters
    4. CANCEL CHP's contract & remove them from Oakland

    Thank you for being on the right side of history. We will remember in November.

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    Jessi Barber over 4 years ago

    Hello, I am a Bay Area resident who works in Oakland. It is unacceptable to put forth a budget during an economic crisis that cuts money from essential community services like housing and health care, while maintaining the budget of a police force which exhibits violence toward its community and resists accountability. This is so clearly counter to the stated responsibilities of the elected officials of the City Council I cannot believe that it is even being considered. Re-allocate the funds that keep the Police militarized and un-accountable, and do what your constituents need and want - maintain and expand the funding for the health and housing services that actually keep people safe in ways the police never will.

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    Nadia Kale over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Nadia Kale and I am a soon-to-be resident of Oakland. I urge the City Counsel to listen to its constituents, whose message cannot be more clear: reduce funding to the Oakland Police Department by 50% and reinvest those funds in housing, jobs, youth programs, restorative justice, and mental health workers to keep Black, Brown, and all marginalized communities safe.

    One commenter discussed all the different places that money could be allocated within the education system alone. It was incredible to read the long list of ways money could be invested into our schools and children, but also saddening to realize that right now the city focuses more on criminalizing children than supporting them and helping them grow.

    Although I am not a current resident, I hope to make Oakland my permanent home. For now, I want to echo the demands of current residents and ask you to please: DEFUND OPD by 50% this year and INVEST that $150 million in the Black New Deal.

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    Eleanor Cloutier over 4 years ago

    Please use our money to support your people instead of to police them. Divert the police budget to social services, like affordable housing, living wage jobs, mental health services, and health care for all.

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    Amy Dinh over 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident and work in higher education. I oppose the current over-funding of the Oakland Police Department, which is to the detriment of social services that desperately need funding. I support the defunding of the OPD's general fund budget by 50% ($150 million). The funds should be reinvested into education, public/mental health, affordable housing, and arts/recreational programs for kids and families--services that will help the community thrive and heal.