I am an Oakland resident concerned about the dropping of the supplemental library budget information from your agenda. Four months ago this committee asked for supplemental information about the city's taking of library parcel tax funding. That information has not been provided and the request is no longer on your agenda. Please restore this item to your agenda.
Measure C, the library parcel tax passed by Oakland voters sets out specific criteria and procedures which must be followed before those parcel fund taxes can be touched. If those procedures and criteria are not followed, legally, the parcel tax cannot be collected. Oakland Public Library is a vital resource which is counted on by Oakland voters. Please keep the public trust and restore this item to your agenda. This is a necessary first step in protecting library funding.
Please answer the following questions. Our libraries are in need of answers:
1. (Specifically for the Finance Department) please share document reports that include the reduction in the appropriation to the library fund and the steps to return the funds that decreased as a result of the past budget.
2. How to best include the library commission on budgetary decisions before they are made versus after?
3. Timetable For how and when, and if the funds can be replaced. How we can be in compliance with the ballot measure requirements?
4. Please share how we can make 311 request in the immediate areas regarding public safety, homelessness, and homelessness encampments specifically for the library.
5. What is the definition of extreme fiscal emergency that lead to the funds being able to be utilize, and addressing the budget deficit?
6. Please provide an explanation of how this was used and the severe financial impact on these libraries.
Life Enrichment Committee members, I am Mary Forte, former Chair of the Library Commission and Vice Chair of the Friends Of Elmhurst Library. At the September 24, 2024 LEC meeting I presented the Library Commission annual report raising concerns about the Midcycle budget the city adopted in July 2024. We were told that answers to our concerns would come back to the October 2024 LEC meeting but to date no report has been received after four months.
We are fast approaching a new biennial budget cycle, where OPL faces the possibility of further cuts. For now, what we need from the city is answers, so that we can go clear-eyed into the next budget cycle and effectively advocate for OPL. The specific requests are listed in Kathryn Sterbenc's comments.
Our libraries play a vital role in Oakland's community, providing: safe spaces for our children and teenagers, homework assistance, tutoring programs; computer and internet access for all; cultural and educational programs and activities year round; and services for Oakland families, seniors and unhoused individuals, and much much more.
I am requesting that the LEC bring the Library Commission’s Annual Report back to the committee with the requested supplementary report with answers included. Tax papers were told that the two Parcel Tax Measures (C & D) funds can ONLY be spent on Oakland Public Libraries. The City cannot spend this money for any other purpose.
My name is Kathryn Sterbenc. I’m president of the Friends of the Oakland Public Library and former chair of the City’s Library Commission. I’m writing to urge you to bring the Library Commission’s Annual Report back to your committee with the supplementary report the Commission formally requested in September 2024. Our specific requests:
1. Information from the Finance Department document reporting to include the reduction in the appropriation to the library fund and the steps to return the funds that decreased as a result of the past budget.
2. How to best include the library commission on budgetary decisions before they are made versus after
3. Timetable For How and When, And If, the funds can be replaced, and how we can be in compliance with the ballot measure requirements.
4. 311 request in the immediate areas regarding public safety, homelessness, and homelessness encampments specifically for the library
5. Definition of extreme fiscal emergency that lead to the funds being able to be utilize, and addressing the budget deficit
More than 80% of Oakland voters voted yes for Measure C to collect these funds specifically for library services. Please help return those funds, and make this right. Now is not the time to take funding that voters approved specifically to support and protect their library services, and lose their trust.
Thank you,
Kathryn Sterbenc, President
Friends of the Oakland Public Library
510 673 2116
Dear Committee Members,
I am an Oakland resident concerned about the dropping of the supplemental library budget information from your agenda. Four months ago this committee asked for supplemental information about the city's taking of library parcel tax funding. That information has not been provided and the request is no longer on your agenda. Please restore this item to your agenda.
Measure C, the library parcel tax passed by Oakland voters sets out specific criteria and procedures which must be followed before those parcel fund taxes can be touched. If those procedures and criteria are not followed, legally, the parcel tax cannot be collected. Oakland Public Library is a vital resource which is counted on by Oakland voters. Please keep the public trust and restore this item to your agenda. This is a necessary first step in protecting library funding.
Please answer the following questions. Our libraries are in need of answers:
1. (Specifically for the Finance Department) please share document reports that include the reduction in the appropriation to the library fund and the steps to return the funds that decreased as a result of the past budget.
2. How to best include the library commission on budgetary decisions before they are made versus after?
3. Timetable For how and when, and if the funds can be replaced. How we can be in compliance with the ballot measure requirements?
4. Please share how we can make 311 request in the immediate areas regarding public safety, homelessness, and homelessness encampments specifically for the library.
5. What is the definition of extreme fiscal emergency that lead to the funds being able to be utilize, and addressing the budget deficit?
6. Please provide an explanation of how this was used and the severe financial impact on these libraries.
Life Enrichment Committee members, I am Mary Forte, former Chair of the Library Commission and Vice Chair of the Friends Of Elmhurst Library. At the September 24, 2024 LEC meeting I presented the Library Commission annual report raising concerns about the Midcycle budget the city adopted in July 2024. We were told that answers to our concerns would come back to the October 2024 LEC meeting but to date no report has been received after four months.
We are fast approaching a new biennial budget cycle, where OPL faces the possibility of further cuts. For now, what we need from the city is answers, so that we can go clear-eyed into the next budget cycle and effectively advocate for OPL. The specific requests are listed in Kathryn Sterbenc's comments.
Our libraries play a vital role in Oakland's community, providing: safe spaces for our children and teenagers, homework assistance, tutoring programs; computer and internet access for all; cultural and educational programs and activities year round; and services for Oakland families, seniors and unhoused individuals, and much much more.
I am requesting that the LEC bring the Library Commission’s Annual Report back to the committee with the requested supplementary report with answers included. Tax papers were told that the two Parcel Tax Measures (C & D) funds can ONLY be spent on Oakland Public Libraries. The City cannot spend this money for any other purpose.
Thank you,
Mary Forte
My name is Kathryn Sterbenc. I’m president of the Friends of the Oakland Public Library and former chair of the City’s Library Commission. I’m writing to urge you to bring the Library Commission’s Annual Report back to your committee with the supplementary report the Commission formally requested in September 2024. Our specific requests:
1. Information from the Finance Department document reporting to include the reduction in the appropriation to the library fund and the steps to return the funds that decreased as a result of the past budget.
2. How to best include the library commission on budgetary decisions before they are made versus after
3. Timetable For How and When, And If, the funds can be replaced, and how we can be in compliance with the ballot measure requirements.
4. 311 request in the immediate areas regarding public safety, homelessness, and homelessness encampments specifically for the library
5. Definition of extreme fiscal emergency that lead to the funds being able to be utilize, and addressing the budget deficit
More than 80% of Oakland voters voted yes for Measure C to collect these funds specifically for library services. Please help return those funds, and make this right. Now is not the time to take funding that voters approved specifically to support and protect their library services, and lose their trust.
Thank you,
Kathryn Sterbenc, President
Friends of the Oakland Public Library
510 673 2116