Agenda Item
3 25-0110 Subject: Audit Of Library Parcel Taxes For Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Through FY 2022-23
From: Office Of The City Auditor
Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The City Auditor On The Audit Of Library Parcel Taxes For Fiscal Year 2019-20 Through 2022-23
Measure C Section 10 Annual Audit states the City Auditor shall perform a biennial audit of the collection and expenditure of all revenue generated by this tax.
Measure D Section 4 Annual Audit states the City Auditor shall perform an annual audit to ensure accountability and proper disbursement of all revenue collected by the City.
Measure C states “biennial audit”, Measure D states “annual audit”, Why are they different? Does annual audit mean an annual every fiscal year? Right now, the audits cover several fiscal years.