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Agenda Item
5 25-0033 Subject: Affordable Housing Funding Programs-Advance Funding Authorizations
From: Housing And Community Development Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution To Allocate Funds From Measure U Housing Bond And Other Non-Bond Funds In A Total Amount Not To Exceed $113,400,039 To Fund New Construction Of Multifamily Rental Affordable Housing Projects, Homekey And Rapid Response Homeless Housing, Acquisition And Conversion To Affordable Housing And Rehabilitation Of The Existing Affordable Housing, And Authorizing The City Administrator To Make Development Loans Under The New Construction Of Multifamily Rental Affordable Housing Program, Rapid Response Homeless Housing, Acquisition And Conversion To Affordable Housing And Rehabilitation Of The Existing Affordable Housing Without Returning To Council, Contingent On Funding Availability
Greetings and thank you for your commitment to building affordable housing in Oakland. As a member of EBHO and a person of faith, I am in support of building affordable housing in Oakland to meet housing needs. I am concerned that requiring a PLA on projects supported with Measure U funds will increase costs and slow needed construction. Quality jobs are possible without a PLA, and I urge you to vote No on the PLA proposal.
Greetings and thank you for your commitment to building affordable housing in Oakland. As a member of EBHO and a person of faith, I am in support of building affordable housing in Oakland to meet housing needs. I am concerned that requiring a PLA on projects supported with Measure U funds will increase costs and slow needed construction. Quality jobs are possible without a PLA, and I urge you to vote No on the PLA proposal.