Meeting Time: June 12, 2024 at 3:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

7 24-0505 Subject: Coliseum Sale From: Councilmember Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Authorizing The City Administrator To Negotiate And Execute A Purchase And Sale Agreement With AASEG Land LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, Or Its Affiliate, For The Sale Of The City Of Oakland's Undivided 50 Percent Interest In Property Located At 7000 Coliseum Way, Oakland, California, For One Hundred Five Million Dollars ($105,000,000) To Be Paid In Installments And Conditioned On Development Of Onsite Affordable Housing And Other Benefits; And Adopting California Environmental Quality Act Findings

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Keith Brown 4 months ago

    The Alameda Labor Council is encouraged that the Mayor's budget proposal prioritizes keeping our staff to ensure the essential services we provide to the community. Labor supports the Coliseum sale to AASEG, as it represents a unique opportunity to secure the funds necessary to sustain our city services and provide union paying jobs in East Oakland for Oaklanders. Failure to sell the Coliseum will lead to severe repercussions, including significant budget cuts and diminished services to our community.

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    Al Lujan 4 months ago

    As a resident of the Coliseum neighborhood we are long overdue for some real redevelopment. I support this sale 100%. 25% affordable housing is sufficient for this area and what we really need is retail and entertainment that employs locals. Thank you

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    Rachita Rawal 4 months ago

    It is frustrating that the City is deciding to immediately sell this land to AASEG without ensuring that the community can provide input on the terms of the community benefits that will be in the final development agreement. This public land should continue to serve the needs of the public, which is not possible without a community-driven negotiation process that ends in a legally binding, enforceable Community Benefits Agreement that is agreed upon and signed by the community leaders and/or a representative coalition of long-standing community organizations who have been engaged in the negotiation process and the developer.

    Please ensure that there is a Community Benefits Agreement agreed upon by the community in the Development Agreement.

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    Ernestine Wilson 5 months ago

    Fiscal Year 2024-25 Overview of the Administration Proposal Presentation


    What is the 2023-2024 fiscal budget to maintain the monthly Bulky Block Parties? Given the proposed intention to eliminate this long established event, how will the current 10 month budget for the Bulky Block Party be reallocated to continue this public service to Oakland residents and further assist in the eradication of illegal dumping on our streets and in our neighborhoods?

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    David Peters 5 months ago

    I support this measure but it must include an amount of affordable housing - the developer has said it will be 25% and that should be named in the legislation - as well as an actionable amount of "other Benefits". Since this is a conditional sale, what happens if the conditions aren't met? That should be specified as well

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    David Peters 5 months ago

    I support this measure but it must include an amount of affordable housing - the developer has said it will be 25% and that should be named in the legislation - as well as an actionable amount of "other Benefits". Since this is a conditional sale, what happens if the conditions aren't met? That should be specified as well

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    Ansari Sahiba 5 months ago

    Beneath the canopy of the ancient oak tree, the forest floor was a mosaic of shadows and sunlight. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, whispering secrets of the woods to anyone who cared to listen. A narrow path, barely visible, wound its way through the underbrush, leading to a hidden glade where wildflowers bloomed in a riot of colors. The air was filled with the scent of pine and damp earth, mingling with the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle. Birds flitted from branch to branch, their songs creating a serene symphony that harmonized with the distant babbling of a brook. This secluded spot, untouched by time, seemed to exist in a world of its own, a sanctuary for those seeking peace and solace. <a href="">Instagram Bio</a>