Meeting Time: May 21, 2024 at 3:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

S10 24-0316 Subject: City Of Oakland Vegetation Management Plan From: Oakland Fire Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Adopting The City Of Oakland Vegetation Management Plan ("VMP"), Which: (A) Describes The Actions That The Oakland Fire Department ("OFD") Will Take Over The 10-Year Plan Timeframe To Reduce Fire Hazard On Approximately Nineteen Hundred And Twenty-Four (1,924) Acres Of City-Owned Land And Along Three Hundred And Eight (308) Miles Of Roadway In The City Of Oakland's Designated Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone ("VHFHSZ"), (B) Meets OFD's Stated Goals Of Reducing Wildfire Hazard On City-Owned Land And Along Critical Access/Egress Routes, Thereby Reducing The Likelihood Of Ignitions And Extreme Fire Behavior To Enhance Public And Firefighter Safety, (C) Avoids Or Minimizes Impacts To Natural Resources, And (D) Contributes To Regional Efforts To Reduce Wildfire Hazard In The Oakland Hills; And (2) Certifying The Environmental Impact Report For The VMP That Analyzes The VMPS's Potential Significant Impacts And Makes Certain Findings Concerning Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, And Alternatives, And Adopting A Mitigation Monitoring And Reporting Program, All In Accordance With The California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA")

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    Elizabeth Staeg 7 months ago

    I strongly support the Vegetation Management Plan EIR. As I understand it, the Council can certify the EIR and I hope that they will.

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    Ralph Kanz 7 months ago

    The City Council Cannot Certify a Final EIR

    Oakland Planning Code section 17.158.340.E. states in part, “(a)fter a final EIR has been prepared, it shall be forwarded to the City Planning Commission for certification.” The Final EIR for the Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) has not been certified by the Oakland Planning Commission. The City Council does not have the authority under the OPC to certify a Final EIR. The City Council does have the authority to approve the project, but not until after the Planning Commission has certified the Final EIR.
    Ralph Kanz