Meeting Time: March 12, 2024 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

6 24-0139 Subject: Head Start Grant Continuation Application FY 24-25 From: Human Services Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Authorizing The City Administrator To Apply For, Accept And Appropriate Head Start Basic Training And Technical Assistance, Early Head Start Basic And Training And Technical Assistance Grants For Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 From The US Department Of Health And Human Services, Administration For Children And Families, Office Of Head Start (DHHS/ACF), In An Estimated Amount Of Thirteen Million Four Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Three Dollars ($13,484,533), And Committing The Necessary Local Match; And (2) Authorizing The City Administrator To Apply For, Accept And Appropriate A Cost Of Living (COLA) Adjustment And Quality Improvement Grant From DHHS/ACF if awarded For The Head Start And Early Head Start Program For FY 2024-2025; And (3) Subject To Funding Availability, Authorizing The Addition Of Seven Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Positions To Serve Home-based Programming, And Health And Safety Priorities; And (4) Authorizing An Estimated Offset Of Three Million Two Hundred Forty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-Six Dollars ($3,243,486) For FY 2024-2025 Central Services Overhead Charges; And (5) Awarding Grant Agreements To Fund Comprehensive Early Care, Education And Family Services To Community Service Providers Identified In Table 3 For FY 2024-2025 For A Total Amount Not To Exceed Two Million Seven Hundred And Twelve Thousand Six Hundred and Two Dollars ($2,712,602); And (6) Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Additional Federal Head Start/Early Head Start Funds If They Become Available Within FY 2024-2025 And Amend The Grant Agreements Within The Limits Of The Federal Award

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    BryAnA Wallace 9 months ago

    My name is Bry’AnA Wallace and I am a parent of a special needs child and I am a resident of district 3. Headstart is super important and especially for children with special needs. There needs to be more funding for resources and more support for these children in the Headstart classrooms. I am currently struggling with not having the support for my child around childcare. Generally speaking the issue with lack of teachers and lack of funding becomes problematic for other things and peoples life. So I just wanna say I appreciate city council, and once a partner with you all as well to get more information on why these problems are occurring in Oakland head starts. We support head start and support getting more information to make sure we are investing in east Oakland based head starts and parents like myself who rely on those critical front line services