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Agenda Item
9 23-0763 Subject: Approval Of First Phase Of Proposed Locations To Install Digital Kiosks
From: Department Of Transportation
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (A) Granting A Master Major Encroachment Permit To IKE Smart City For Forty (40) Digital Advertising Kiosks With Wayfinding Capabilities Within The Public Right-Of-Way, Located At Approximately 1807 Telegraph Ave, 831 Broadway, 826 Washington St, 2015 Broadway, 416 Water St, 1000 Oak St, Bellevue Ave (Lakeside Park Near Grand Ave. And Bay Pl.), 2417 Broadway, 2225 Telegraph Ave, 2228 Broadway, 3136 International Blvd, 3801 Telegraph Ave, 5859 Foothill Blvd, 1709 Webster St, 575 15th St, 490 Thomas L Berkley Way, 200 Broadway, 1000 Broadway, 150 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, 5110 Telegraph Ave, 2630 Broadway, 540 17th St, 383 11th St, 1398 Franklin St, 600 14th St, Bellevue Ave (Lakeside Park Near Harrison St. And 21st St.), 1011 Broadway, 274 19th St, 400 9th St, Bellevue Ave (Lakeside Park Near Lakeside Dr. And Harrison St.), 555 12th St, 2000 Franklin St, 1731 Franklin St, 274 19th St, 1423 Broadway, 2616 Broadway, 447 17th St, 1624 Franklin St, 2501 Harrison St And 1212 Broadway; (B) Approving An Associated Master Indenture Agreement; And (C) Adopting Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act Findings