Meeting Time: September 12, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

6 23-0636 Subject: DVP FY23-25 Grant Agreements From: Department Of Violence Prevention Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Execute Grant Agreements With Twenty-Four Non-Profit Organizations And Public Agencies To Provide Violence Prevention And Intervention Services For The Period Of October 1, 2023, To June 30, 2025, In A Total Amount Not To Exceed Twenty-Eight Million Eighty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($28,087,500), With The Ability To Extend Agreements For An Additional Three Months In Amount Not To Exceed Four Million Eight Hundred Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Dollars ($4,816,480) Contingent On Available Funds

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Simone Hufana over 1 year ago

    My name is Simone Hufana and I am the program manager at the Young Women's Freedom Center Oakland site. I am advocating for no budget cuts and the continued funding of the Department of Violence Prevention in Oakland. The 20+ organizations that DVP funds have already been in practice of what true community safety looks like in our city- community spaces, transformative justice models, healing and wellness modalities, economic opportunity, self advocacy, and self determination. The work that we do in Oakland with/alongside young folks is incredibly critical. We are actively pouring into our future by ensuring that young folks have access to resources and the opportunity to flourish and dream beyond survival. This isn't possible without continued funding- I encourage you to be in shared space with our folks to first hand witness the ground work that we do in this city. It goes far beyond numbers on a chart or a town hall meeting. This is discussion of whether we want to invest in our future generations and city, and it's our responsibility to continue investing into these young leaders who will be in all of our seats and at the table in due time.

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    Spenser B over 1 year ago

    My name is Spenser I’m a Self Determination Coordinator at the Young Women’s Freedom Center Oakland site. I am in support of Item #6 because I was first a participant of this organization before working in this position here. The Young Women’s Freedom Center has been a big help to not only myself but other youth in the community. It’s a safe place that young folks love coming to during the week for our drop-ins and weekly groups. It’s also been one of the few places I could come to for resources. The funding that’s at risk of being cut is detrimental to the work we do here at the center. These resources help keep our programs going and keep our system impacted youth paid during our weekly programs. Our young people heavily depend on our resources and programs that we are able to offer. Without funding we risk not being able to provide or fund our programs. We also risk our young folks not having a safe place to come to during the week. It’s immorally unjust to defund any non-profit organization that’s doing the work and helping make the community a safer place. Our young folks are our future and deserve to have the resources they need to be great in life. We need these resources to further diversify our community and give our people the resources they need like affordable housing, mental health resources, social programs for our youth and programs that help address the root cause of the violence and dysfunction in our community. #NODVPBUDGETCUTS #SUPPORTITEM6

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    Jasmine Frye over 1 year ago

    My name is Jasmine Frye, and I am the Young Women Freedom Center Director in Oakland. We must continue to fund ALL the agencies that receive funding from DVP. The agencies that receive funding use their resources to support the youth. We also think about ways to engage the community by providing resources to restore and support their lives, and themselves. WE MEET YOUTH WHERE THEY ARE AT. This is key! The Department of Violence Prevention has provided HELPFUL resources for agencies in Alameda County to support the community and ensure young people have a place where they can thrive and have a sense of community, love, and mentorship. Young Women's Freedom Center supported over 400+ young with the resources of DVP. I can not imagine the youth in Oakland, specifically young black and brown girls and trans youth of all genders, not having a place like the Young Women's Freedom Center to mentor, and help them self-determine their own lives, alongside the other amazing organizations in Oakland that our youth have connections with.

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    Shauna OBrien over 1 year ago

    We need accountability for all of these non-profits and programs. Right now we're writing checks with zero way to track and measure the results and impact, or to hold the organizations accountable to meaningful, measurable results. Each organization should be required to submit regular (perhaps quarterly) progress reports that clearly outline how the funds are being used, how they're measuring performance, and how they're performing against those KPIs.

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    Loana Piper over 1 year ago

    My name is Loana Piper and I’m a Self Determination Advocate at the Young Women’s Freedom Center. I believe cutting funding from the Department of Violence Prevention will hurt our non profit organizations and communities tremendously. We have programs that young folks attend to gain knowledgeable information about their communities and learn about having self determined life’s. We also have multiple economic opportunities for young folks to be apart of. With that, All of our non profit organizations go out and do the real work. We keep our communities safe. Please do not cut funds from DVP & please pour MORE into DVP. Thank you. #YWFC

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    Erin Scott over 1 year ago

    My name is Erin Scott and I am the Executive Director of the Family Violence Law Center. I urge the members of the Public Safety Committee to make a decision on this item at the 9/12 meeting so that the matter can be heard at the full council meeting on 9/19. Delaying a decision will push back the timeline for contract execution, resulting in a gap in life-saving community-based organization services. Thank you.