Meeting Time: September 12, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

5 23-0621 Subject: OPD Crime Report From: Oakland Police Department Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The Oakland Police Department (OPD) On Crime, Crime Trends And Crime Reduction Activities In The City Of Oakland

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    Tracy Perron over 1 year ago

    What is happening in Oakland is atrocious! The lack of anything from leadership is disgusting! It started with the firing of a good man, Chief Armstrong. Now the mayor wants to call for a state of emergency....which she caused by taking the residents police chief. I believe that Oakland deserves leaders who are going to be True and Transparent! Nothing is happening except personal agendas and the residents are suffering!! If you are not going to lead Oakland then have the courage to step down. We have lost accountability with our laws which is why people do whatever they want. I want all this violence and crime to end. I want the city to be accountable to its residents and fight for our livelihood. Make Oakland Safe and Secure. Bring us to the forefront by investing in ALL of the residents not just the ones in the hills or without people of color.