Meeting Time: September 12, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

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    ialiyah jones over 1 year ago

    hi, my name is Ialiyah and I'm a fellow at the young women's freedom center and I feel like the Money should not be took from our nonprofit organization the young women's freedom center is a place for the youth to come and get knowledge and get self-advocacy for themselves and with the money being taken it would affect us being able to fund to have programs which we usually have at the center not only would it affect them but it would affect me Oakland didn't have these type of resources growing up and before I found the center I was in a really bad place mentally and physically wise I didn't know what I was going do in life the center made me a better person and I've grown to be really close with everyone the center is not only my job it's like my second home to me and the being took is being put into the police department when in reality they don't do anything to make Oakland any better for the youth or people so why are they being funded anything if they can't even do their jobs properly the money should be kept into our non-profit organization that helps system impacted youth the young women's freedom center gives youth the chance to use their voices as power and without that money we will no longer be able to do what we love which is providing support for the youth what matters the most is the youth

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    Lupita Martinez over 1 year ago

    Hello good evening my name is Lupita Martinez I am a fellow from the young women's freedom center in Oakland California. I am here in support of Item # 6. The funding that y'all are trying to reinstate into OPD is crucial in the type of work we do at the center. These funds not only are what pays our participants in our weekly programs but it is essentially stripping us from financial l resources which many youth in Oakland including myself rely on to survive every day. I am a system impacted youth and YWFC has brought the most support and stability I've had in my life . The center is the reason I'm able to be here today. This funding is straight up our livelihood. Taking away this funding is taking resources from the people that need it the most. Without this money we can offer the financial support and resources that we as young people need and very much deserve. Thank you for your time