Meeting Time: June 28, 2023 at 3:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item

5 23-0543 Subject: Support Federal "Moneyball Act" From: Councilmember Kaplan And Mayor Thao Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Supporting Congressmember Barbara Lee And Congressmember Mark Desaulnier's, "Moneyball Act," Legislation That Would 1)Require Any Professional Baseball Club That Relocates More Than Twenty-Five Miles From Its Previous Location To Compensate The State And Local Authorities They Relocate From; And 2) Subject Major League Baseball To Anti-Trust Laws Should Clubs Not Comply

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    Laurel Poeton over 1 year ago

    I support this because Oakland cannot afford another major league team. They need to be held responsible to give to the community they are abandoning.

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    Garth Kimball over 1 year ago

    I am in support of both Representative Barbara Lee’s purposed legislation ‘Moneyball Act’ and continued negotiation with the Oakland A’s and MLB. This is bigger than baseball. The Oakland A’s are important to this community and region.

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    Shawn Cochrane over 1 year ago

    I'd like to say that I strongly support Barbara Lee's Moneyball Act, but it doesn't do anything to address keeping the A's rooted in Oakland. Has anyone from the city been in touch with the A's front office or MLB's commissioner's office? If not, are there plans to? Is anyone from the Mayor's office and/or city council planning on going to the all-star game to meet with other team owners? Many of us have been writing letters, attending bcdc and city council meetings. A's fans organized and held their own fanfest, organized the reverse boycott, and organized and funded a gameday giveaway. During the last election, many fans contributed and doorknocked for many of you. We've been behind you in this fight to save our team and now many of us are looking to all of you, to see if you're still in the fight with us. We just want to see and hear that you're picking up the phone, getting on a plane, or talking to the national media, because, right now, MLB is driving the narrative.... It's the bottom of the 9th. Can we count on you?

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    Jeremy Goodrich over 1 year ago

    I am writing in strong support for the Moneyball Act. The A's have called Oakland home for nearly half a century, and it is important the A's stay Rooted in Oakland. While in support, I call on Mayor Thao and the City Council to proactively meet with MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred, Athletics owner John Fisher, and team president Dave Kaval. With a deal so close to completion, I call on the City and the Athletics to work out the differences in order to create this beautiful stadium that will help the economy of Oakland. Again, I am in strong support of this bill, and also encourage the City Council to negotiate a successful deal with A's leadership.

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    Theodore Allik over 1 year ago

    I support the Moneyball act. I respectfully urge the Mayor to reach out to Rob Manfred as well as the A’s and resume negotiations.

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    Dacia Carruthers over 1 year ago

    I support the Moneyball Act. As a 3rd generation fan of the Radiers and Oakland A's, I'm well aware of the history involved with losing a team and the financial deficits left behind. All of Alameda County taxpayers are still paying off deficits incurred when the Raiders returned from L.A. We can not tolerate these franchise owners holding cities and taxpayers hostage, meeting their unreasonable demands, only to be left high and dry. I also hope to see evidence of a renewed concerted effort to avoid losing our beloved A's. Our community cannot afford to lose another professional team. Our kids and future generations deserve to experience the civic pride and love of the game that we have enjoyed in Oakland for 55 yrs.

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    Todd Saran over 1 year ago

    We must disincentivize MLB franchises from holding communities passions hostage to extort taxpayer dollars from municipalities.

    I am in full support of the Moneyball act.

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    Edith Bretado over 1 year ago

    I appreciate this sentiment, but if the A's are going to settle on just a tiny toy stadium in Vegas, the mayor and council need to start communicating to the world how feasible and quickly they could build the same stadium at HT. The other owners need the facts, not Rob Manfred's spin, on what Oakland has to offer.

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    Jorge Leon over 1 year ago

    I support backing Lee and let her do that work. Oakland needs to keep focusing on HT and force MLB/A’s to listen. Let’s remember the importance of public private capitol improvement partnerships and the role that plays in a society. Oakland desperately needs that. A major win like HT can help citizens to believe in their communities, particularly young people. Without having something happening the narrative will continue to be, "we can't get anything done here and everything is going to pot." It can change the narrative of what we always seem to hear and unfortunately see, which is we can't hire police officers, crimes out of control, streets need repaving, our parks are unkempt , etc, etc, etc.

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    Jennifer Arbuckle over 1 year ago

    I support but I want to see the city and the A's back to the table. It's not over yet and the Oakland deal can easily beat the Vegas deal. WE ARE HERE to back you, the City, up. Please don't let decades of tradition be stolen from us.

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    Lance Stapleton over 1 year ago

    I support this resolution; however, I know many A’s fans would like to hear about active and substantial efforts to keep the team here beyond these limited decrees.

    Please reach out to MLB, Rob Manfred, John Fisher, and Dave Kaval to potentially work out a deal. There’s much to gain if hardened feelings and press releases are deprioritized and actual renewed negotiation takes place. Certainly, mutual ground could be reached that benefits all parties involved.

    I feel like Oakland is primed to succeed in keeping the A's in Oakland if we proactively and aggressively outline to the powers-that-be at MLB how we can quickly move forward on a stadium. Please do everything you can to try to keep the A's here.

    Thank you for all your time and effort. Let’s go, Oakland!

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    Alex Danoff over 1 year ago

    I support the city of Oakland's efforts to explore how the Moneyball Act might be able to protect Oakland and other MLB markets from relocation.

    However, the most valuable thing that the Mayor and City Council can do at this point is re-engage with the A's and put together a proper proposal/deal to keep the team in Oakland. This is a rare opportunity to make a real impact in the community by getting a stadium built and supporting local businesses and residents. If the A's are truly intent on leaving then so be it, but our elected officials should do everything in their power to keep the team here while the door is still open.

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    Kai Chang over 1 year ago

    Just wanted to register support for this, because, why not? But at the same time I know this just makes a lot of noise without getting anything done on the Moneyball Act itself or keeping the A's in Oakland.

    City really needs to make efforts to re-engage with the A's. We now see the scope of the deal in Vegas and Oakland actually makes a better offer, but there has to be a shift in attitude. The tendency to stall, argue, and delay over minor or often irrelevant points is what typically keeps Oakland from doing great things. We all know this is a project that will achieve a lot of things Oakland its constituents in Jack London, AND rail and port has wanted to do for decades. Leverage is worthless without the courage to move.