Meeting Time: June 26, 2023 at 2:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

3 23-0364 Subject: FY 2023-25 Adopted Budget Legislation From: Finance Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Adopting The Biennial Budget For Fiscal Years 2023-25 And Appropriating Funds To Cover Expenditures Approved By Said Budget; (2) Authorizing The City Administrator To Transfer Funds Between Departments, Programs And Funds As Necessary To Support Departmental Reorganization As Set Forth In The Adopted Biennial Budget For Fiscal Years 2023-25. (3) Taking All Steps Necessary To Apply For And Receive Additional Funds Required To Advance And Complete The Projects Identified In The Capital Improvement Program And Accept And Appropriate Any Additional Funds Provided That Such Acceptance Is Consistent With And Does Not Otherwise Negatively Impact The City's Capital Improvement Program (4) Directing The City Administrator To Return To The Council With An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.29 Of The Oakland Municipal Code To Implement The July 2024 Reorganizations Proposed In This Budget (5) Declaring A State Of Extreme Fiscal Necessity And The Existence Of A Severe And Unanticipated Financial Event; (6) Suspending For Fiscal Years' 2023-2025 The Charter Mandated Minimum Staffing Budget Set Asides For The Office Of The City Auditor; And (7) Suspending The Minimum Budget Set Asides For The Democracy Dollars Fund And For Non-Staff Costs Related To The Public Ethics Commission's Administration Of The Oakland Fair Elections Act's Democracy Dollars Program [TITLE CHANGE]

View Report View Legislation View Supplemental DRE Budget Submittal Memo 2023 25 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental DRE 20-22 Accomplishment Report - 5/25/23 View Supplemental EWD CC Study Session Budget Briefing PPT May 2023 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental HRM 2023 City Council Budget Presentation - 5/25/23 View Supplemental PEC Council Budget Hearing PPT - 5/25/23 View Supplemental Presentation Proposed Budget - Library Handout - 5/25/23 View Supplemental Animal Services Budget Presentation - 5/25/23 View Supplemental Budget Presentation DWES -5/25/23 View Supplemental CAO Budget Brief FY 23-25 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental CIP Presentation From 5.23.23 PWTC REV - 5/25/23 View Supplemental City Auditor City Council FY23-25 Biennial Budget (Study Session) - 5/25/23 View Supplemental Finance Department Biennial Budget Presentation - 5/25/23 View Supplemental HCD FY23-25 Budget - 5/25/23 View Supplemental ITD Council Proposed Presentation - 5/25/23 View Supplemental OakDOT - Budget Briefing - 5/25/23 View Supplemental OFD FY23-25 Budget (Study Session) PPT - 5/25/23 View Supplemental OIG Budget Council Meeting - 5/25/23 View Supplemental OPD Budget Presentation May 2023 V.2 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental OPRYD FY23-25 Council Study Session - 5/25/23 View Supplemental OPW FY23-25 Budget Highlight Presentation - 5/25/23 View Supplemental PBD Budget Presentation FY23-25 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental Proposed Budget Slide - Library - 5/25/23 View Supplemental DVP Budget Study Session PPT 5-23-23 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental HSD Budget Brief FY 23-25 - 5/25/23 View Supplemental City Clerk Budget 23-25 -5/25/23 View Supplemental Budget Memo - D1 Kalb 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Budget Priorities - D1 Kalb 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Budget Amendments - D1 Kalb 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Amendments Spreadsheet - D1 Kalb 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Memo - D2 Bas, D3 Fife, D6 Jenkins And At Large Kaplan 6/22/23 View Supplemental Spreadsheet - D2 Bas, D3 Fife, D6 Jenkins And At Large Kaplan 6/22/23 View Supplemental Presentation - D2 Bas, D3 Fife, D6 Jenkins And At Large Kaplan 6/22/23 View Supplemental Budget Amendments - D4 Ramachandran 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Budget Spreadsheet - D4 Ramachandran 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Budget Presentation - D4 Ramachandran 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Budget Priorities - D5 Gallo 6/22/2023 View Supplemental Memo And Spreadsheet - D7 Reid 6/23/2023 View Supplemental Budget Priorities - D7 Reid 6/23/2023 View Supplemental Revised Budget Amendments And Spreadsheet - D7 Reid 6/23/2023 View Supplemental Report - 6/23/2023 View Supplemental Legislation - 6/22/2023
   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Ellen Konnert about 1 year ago

    Support for funding for Lake Merritt! The Park has become heavily used and is showing decline. Anything the Council can do to improve the Park would be very beneficial!
    Thank You

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    Joevonte Kelly about 1 year ago

    Hello, My name is Joevonte Kelly and i am a renter/parent and a resident in District 2. May i speak with the council to support a people budget that works for ALL of Oakland that address root causes of violence, Homelessness, Robbery, and housing insecurity. We're asking council-members to stand with our coalition an reject any amendments to the current budget proposal that cut existing city staff/services. We're asking that you don't redirect funds away from vital services and programs towards OPD already bloated, sworn officer budget. We're asking the council to reject any increase funds for overtime for sworn officers WITHOUT accountability and transparency as well as reject the OPD grant position. The Oakland Police department receives over $350m per year. We should not commit any additional resources to this department at the expense of our communities. We're asking the council members to stand with us in support of violence prevention programs, support for the unhoused, affordable housing, city services-like proactive trash pickup and parks and recreation, art and culture, and protecting frontline workers

    Thank you.

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    Jessie Nguyen about 1 year ago

    My name is Jessie, I am D2 Resident and Restorative Economics Organizer with the REAL People's Fund. On behalf of the REAL People’s Fund and Oakland’s BIPOC businesses and co-ops, I support the Council President’s amendments for Good Jobs & Vibrant Economy. We also ask the city to consider the following:

    1. Prioritize funding for community and grassroots-led safety ambassadors in areas that are not already represented by BIDs or associations
    2. Implement holistic strategies for small business public safety that do not over rely on security cameras, which we know lead to increased criminalization and surveillance of us and our neighbors. Oakland’s businesses desperately need more funding for Facade improvements like roll-up doors, window repairs, storefronts gates and lighting that would revitalize our economic corridors — not more police or tech-backed surveillance.
    3. Please consider earmarking and reinvesting 5-10% of revenue generated from the Progressive Business Tax into funding for BIPOC businesses and co-ops.

    Lastly, we ask council members to support a People’s Budget that works for ALL of Oakland, and invests violence prevention programs, support for unhoused, essential city services, democracy dollars and protecting arts & culture in Oakland. Thank you.

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    Rachel Beck about 1 year ago

    I am a District 1 renter in support of President Bas' amendments. We achieve public safety by getting and keeping people housed and supporting the proven work of violence interrupters. I would like to single out Democracy Dollars pilot funding for attention: while implementing a new program might seem like a luxury at a time of economic shortfall, this campaign finance reform pilot will help voters who have been priced out of participation show what is most important to them. Finally, I ask that 5-10% of revenue generated from the Progressive Business Tax be earmarked for programming and support dedicated to BIPOC-owned businesses.

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    Nell Scott about 1 year ago

    Hello Councilmembers. My name is nell scott and I am a longtime D4 resident. I support City Council President Bas’ amendments. The budget must reject cuts to programs critical to our public safety. Please support a People’s Budget that works for ALL of Oakland annd addresses root causes of violence, homelessness, and housing insecurity. We will not be safe until every tenant is protected from abusive landlords, every resident is housed, and the arts and other proven violence prevention initiatives are supported.

    We also need a budget that empowers regular Oaklanders by investing in our democracy. Without funding for Democracy Dollars, public funding for fair elections in Oakland will be completely erased. With Democracy Dollars, working Oaklanders will have more power over decisions that impact our communities—things such as affordable housing, community safety, access to healthcare and quality schools.

    Lastly, we ask the city to earmark and reinvest 5-10% of revenue generated from the Progressive Business Tax into programming and funding for BIPOC businesses. I ask that you center the needs of the People by funding these programs. Thank you for your time.

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    Alizarin MenningaFong about 1 year ago

    Hello Councilmembers. My name is Alizarin, and I am renter and a District 2 resident. I support City Council President Bas’ amendments. The budget must reject cuts to programs critical to our public safety. We will not be safe until every tenant is protected from abusive landlords, every resident is housed, and the arts and other proven violence prevention initiatives are supported.

    We also need a budget that empowers regular Oaklanders by investing in our democracy. Without funding for Democracy Dollars, public funding for fair elections in Oakland will be completely erased. With Democracy Dollars, working Oaklanders will have more power over decisions that impact our communities—things such as affordable housing, community safety, and quality schools.

    Lastly, we ask the city to earmark and reinvest 5-10% of revenue generated from the Progressive Business Tax into programming and funding for BIPOC businesses. I ask that you center the needs of the People by funding these programs. Thank you for your time.

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    Leeann Alameda about 1 year ago

    I support Council President Bas' budget proposal allocations for Lake Merritt. This plan will ensure that the Lake is an accessible, safe, and healthy place for Oakland residents, the environment, and the thousands of visitors who come from all over No. California to enjoy the Jewel of Oakland. This plan supports and continues to build on proven measures implemented in the last several years.

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    Sarah Dunn about 1 year ago

    The Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation is Oakland’s premier organization focusing on parks and recreation advocacy, park activation, community partners and youth scholarships. Every Oaklander and every Oakland community should have access to the transformative experiences that can only happen in parks. As the City engages in its Fiscal Year 2023-25 Budgeting process, I would like to strongly advocate that you maintain and potentially increase funding for the Office of Parks, Recreation and Youth Development as well as parks-related funding of the Public Works.

    As the City embarks on a consolidation of City Departments, I hope you will preserve “Parks” and “Recreation” as well, in the title of any new department that is formed, as a show of support for the critical infrastructure that is a well-maintained parks system. I also request that the community, including OPRF be invited into the conversation about any potential reorganization to assure that the outcomes serve the residents and business that use the Parks and Recreation resources in an improved and high performing way.

    I understand the financial challenges that face our City, and encourage you to consider the importance of this ongoing investment and in collaboration with these other funding sources. I urge you to continue funding parks and recreation at current levels and fill vacant positions so the funded work can be performed.

    -Sarah Dunn, Board President, OPRF

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    Cynthia Morfin about 1 year ago

    Hello, my name is Cynthia and I am a renter and a resident in District 3.

    I am urging our councilmembers to support a People’s Budget that works for ALL of Oakland that addresses root causes of violence, homelessness, and housing insecurity.

    We’re asking the Councilmember to stand with our coalition and reject any amendments to the current Budget proposal that:
    1. Cut existing city staff;
    2. Redirect funds away from vital services and programs towards OPD’s already bloated, sworn officer budget;
    3. Increases funds for overtime for sworn officers WITHOUT accountability and transparency;
    4. Establishes an OPD Grant Writer position.

    The Oakland Police Department receives over $350m per year. We should not commit any additional resources to this department at the expense of our communities.

    We’re asking the Councilmember to stand with us in support of violence prevention programs, support for the unhoused, affordable housing, city services—like proactive trash pickup and parks and rec–, arts and culture, and protecting frontline workers.

    Thank you

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    Scott Law about 1 year ago

    With rampant crime of all kinds in all districts the highest priority of the city council is to pass both adequate funding and require hiring of OPD officers to 800 level. In addition, the dispatch department needs to be funded and require hiring for the 911 system to meet state standards for response times, as committed to in the Alameda County Grand Jury responses. BOTH budgeting and actual hiring need to be accomplished. With no public safety, the rest of the city's goals and programs are worthless.

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    Alexis Wodtke about 1 year ago

    Carjackings and Armed Robberies are becoming more frequent in Dan Kalb's District. According to a 2020 report in the Chronicle, " a majority of Oakland voters still want the number of officers to stay the same or even increase — support that includes 70% of the city’s African American voters, I don't know if anyone's taken a poll recently but I would assume, since crime is increasing, the results would be similar. I suspect funds from Measure Z are not being used to maintain the number of officers it requires. Give the police dept. more money so it can do its job.