Meeting Time: June 20, 2023 at 4:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

S6.16 23-0433 Subject: PEG Funding Apportionment 2023-2028 From: Office Of The City Clerk / KTOP Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Appropriating Approximately $2.4 Million (A 5-Year Estimated Total) In Public Education Government (PEG) Fee Funds For FY 2023-2024 Through The End Of FY 2027-2028 For The Capital Expenses Of Public, Education And Government (PEG) Cable Television Channels Operating In The City Of Oakland; (2) Authorizing Apportionment Of Equal Shares Of The PEG Funds To Oakland (KTOP), The Oakland Unified School District (KDOL), And The Peralta Community College District (PeraltaTV) For Their PEG Channel Cable And Video Television Facilities, Subject To Equal Reapportionment In Fiscal Years When There Are More Or Fewer PEG Channels Operating In Oakland; And (3) Authorizing The City Administrator To Execute Or Amend Memoranda Of Understanding To Effectuate The Distribution Of Said Funds

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