Meeting Time: May 23, 2023 at 1:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3 23-0340 Subject: 1310 Oak Street/Museum Of Jazz And Art ENA Extension From: Economic Workforce Development Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Authorizing A Second Amendment To The Exclusive Negotiation Agreement With The Museum Of Jazz & Art For Development Of A Museum And Art Facility On City-Owned Property Located At The Northwest Corner Of Oak Street And 13th Street, To Extend The Term And Related Performance Deadlines By Eighteen Months (Retroactively, If Necessary) With An Additional Six-Month Administrative Extension, Conditioned On Payment Of An Additional $10,5000 Exclusive Negotiation Payment; And (2) Adopting California Environmental Quality Act Findings

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    Lailan Huen over 1 year ago

    As a resident of Oakland Chinatown, a 20+ year educator, and an advocate for equitable development in our town, I write in support of the extension for finalization of the plans for the Museum of Jazz in conjunction with community stakeholders. The ENA milestones are over 80% complete, and this development of an underutilized public property will be well-served by a nonprofit institution that will advance culture keeping in our community working to preserve the Black culture and arts that have put Oakland on the global map. MoJA will anchor the Black Arts Movement & Business District, be a partner to Oakland Chinatown and the Lake, Downtown and Jack London communities neighboring, as well as be a dynamic partner for our Oakland public schools that will benefit from partnerships between artists, students and families. I hope the City will do everything possible to keep this project in Oakland as a world-class institution that will be a beacon of hope, creativity and cultural exchange for all diverse families of our community - and continue supporting this project that has been over a decade in development to finally see it through to fruition.