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Agenda Item

7 22-0550 Subject: Informational Report From The City Of Oakland's Fire Prevention Bureau From: Councilmember Reid And Kalb Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The Oakland's Fire Prevention Bureau Regarding The Status Of The Following, (1) Required State Mandated Inspections Of High Rise Buildings, Schools, Places Of Assembly, Hospitals And Multi-Family Residential Properties, (2) Inspections Of Commercial Live-Work Properties And Cannabis Businesses, (3) Vegetation Management Compliance, (4) Staffing In The Fire Prevention Bureau, And (5) Coordination With Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) To Insure Fire Safety At K-12 School Sites

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    Jennifer Findlay about 2 years ago

    The city & OFD should also be taking measures to improve fire safety within encampments by providing them with the tools they need to be safe, including fire extinguishers and other things suggested by the residents of Wood Street. This would minimize cost to the city, free up fire resources, and improve safety for all.