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Agenda Item

10 22-0609 Subject: Amend And Extend Beautification Council Contract From: Oakland Public Works Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Amending And Extending The Term Of The As-Needed Contract With The Beautification Council By Fourteen (14) Months From April 30, 2023, To June 30, 2024; (2) Increasing The Contract Amount By One Million Two Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($1,280,000) For A Total Not To Exceed Contract Amount Of Two Million Eight Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($2,880,000); And (3) Waiving Further Advertising And Competitive Request For Proposal/Qualification Selection And Local Business/Small Local Business Participation Requirements

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    Melissa Clack over 2 years ago

    I have seen Beautification Council's work in areas of Oakland and have personally participated in micro-cleaning of areas and also on-view areas where Beatification Council was instrumental in planting trees have placing deterrents to dumping and speeding in various locations which have helped to improve the communities. Ken Houston's commitment, knowledge, and connections lead to successful work and positive impacts within communities. In addition, Ken's ability to meet people where they are at in life is a rare and invaluable skillset which is life changing for some and brings people together within communities.

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    Tuan Anh over 2 years ago

    The Beautification Council deserves credit for doing amazing work cleaning up Oakland. They did a great job with Fitzgerald Park and should be strongly supported. Thank you Beautification Council - Oakland needs you!