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Agenda Item

5 22-0236 Subject: Safe Oakland Streets Annual Update From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report And Presentation From The City Administrator's Office, The Oakland Department Of Transportation, The Oakland Police Department, And The Department Of Race And Equity Regarding Progress On The Safe Oakland Streets (SOS) Initiative In Year One And Priority Focus Areas For Year Two

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    David Maltzan about 2 years ago

    I urge the council to read this report carefully, and note that despite the noble efforts of Oakland's Department of Transportation, traffic fatalities are actually rising in recent years rather than falling! Please give OakDOT the support it needs to hire sufficient staff so that this sorely-needed safety improvements can happen faster. It's been five years since the 14th Street project got funding, and construction hasn't even begun yet - three people have died in the project area! We MUST find ways to move faster.