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Agenda Item

2.10 22-0477 Subject: Objective Design Standards And Project Review Streamlining From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Authorizing The City Administrator To Negotiate, Award And Execute A Professional Services Agreement To Dyett & Bhatia In An Amount Not To Exceed Seven Hundred And Twenty Thousand Dollars ($720,000) That Includes Sixty-Four Thousand And Five Hundred Dollars ($64,500) Contingency Amount For A Period Of Approximately One Year For Providing Technical Expertise In The Creation Of Project Review Streamlining Procedures And Objective Design Standards; And (2) Requesting To Use Three Hundred And Seventy Thousand Dollars ($370,000) From The Development Services Fund (Fund 2415) Balance To Finance A Portion Of The Contract Awarded To Dyett And Bhatia To Provide Technical Expertise In The Creation Of Project Review Streamlining Procedures And Objective Design Standards; And (3) Making Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

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    Phyllis Horneman over 2 years ago

    I will follow this with great interest. There isn't a lot of form as to what is desired. I am sure there is much more behind the curtain.