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Agenda Item

6 22-0292 Subject: Report On The "Zero Bail" Emergency Bail Schedule From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The Oakland Police Department (OPD) On The Impact Of The Alameda County Superior Court's "Zero Bail" Emergency Bail Schedule On Violent Crimes In Oakland, Including A Breakdown Of Which Crimes Are Captured In The Schedule, Specific Comparative Data That Shows Whether And How Zero Bail Effects Violent Crimes In Oakland, Especially In Comparison To Those Released With Bail

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    Lupe Schoenberger over 2 years ago

    In line with the City Council's obligation to keep the community safe and their stated concern for vulnerable tenants,, this report demonstrates the need to remove the restriction on criminal background checks for rental applicants. Criminal Background checks protect Oakland neighborhoods. If you want a place to live - don't' do the crime. "Subject C was released for “Zero Bail” on assault charges involving a complaint filed by his neighbor in East Oakland. After being released, Subject C returned the next day and murdered their neighbor May 1, 2020. Subject C has been arrested and charged with the neighbor’s murder...."