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Agenda Item

S6 22-0456 Subject: Celebrating Queer And Transgender Asian And Pacific Islander Week From: Vice Mayor Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution To Proclaim May 29-June 4, 2022, As Queer And Transgender Asian And Pacific Islander (QTAPI) Week And Commend The Bay Area QTAPI Coalition For Organizing, Mobilizing, And Inspiring Our QTAPI Community, And For Uplifting The Numerous Contributions Made By The QTAPI Community Locally, Nationally, And Globally

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    Elizabeth Sommers over 2 years ago

    Dear Oakland City Council member,
    Please vote NO on this proposal.
    As a Christian, celebrating sinful behaviors is nothing to celebrate. While I recognize, love, and pray for those who are lesbian, homosexual, or transgender, there is nothing to "celebrate" about a lifestyle and sexual behavior that is contrary to the bible, and contrary to God's teachings.
    Please do not alienate your Christian community by condoning and supporting sinful behaviors.
    Elizabeth Sommers