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Agenda Item

8 22-0379 Subject: Emerald New Deal Healing And Reparations Fund From: Councilmember Taylor, Reid And Gallo Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The Emerald New Deal Healing And Reparations Fund Proposed To (A) Establish The "Emerald New Deal Fund", A Fund Of The City Of Oakland, To Provide Community And Economic Development Services And/Or Programs That Address The Racially Inequitable Impacts Of The War On Drugs On Individuals, Families, And Communities In Our City; (B) Deposit The Revenue Of The Cannabis Business Tax Into The Hereby Established "Emerald New Deal Fund"; And (C) Establish An "Emerald New Deal Fund Oversight Commission" As A Commission Of The City Of Oakland To Recommend Strategic Investments Of The Emerald New Deal Fund

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    Monica Bien over 2 years ago

    I am a resident of Oakland and a proud supporter of the Emerald New Deal, agenda item number 8. I am asking this committee to commit today to moving the Emerald New Deal to the Rules and Legislation Committee, so it can continue the process to get approved by the city council and eventually get on my November ballot. The Emerald New Deal Healing and Repair Measure (END HARM) seeks to invest resources in individuals and their family members who have been directly impacted by the War on Drugs.
    END is intended to fulfill the promise made to Oakland businesses and residents when we approved Measure Z in 2004 and then re-affirmed when we legalized marijuana use in 2016 with Prop 64. I want the city of Oakland to have the moral courage to repair the harm that it might have caused individuals, families, and neighborhoods in its pursuit of the racist War on Drugs. Thank you!"

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    Shikira Porter over 2 years ago

    As an Oakmore voter, I strongly support END as one of the many brilliant ways that acknowledge the horrific harm to Black and brown communities due to the War on Drugs. Funds from END can work to change the conditions of neighborhoods made violent and marginalized by the War on Drugs. Funds from END can provide resources that when reached for are typically not available. Oakland has an opportunity to model what it looks like to have a reparative relationship with harm. Why wouldn't we take this human step? Healed people, heal people.

    I urge this committee to move END to Rules and Legislation and eventually make its way to the ballot for the people to decide.

    Thank you for your service. Shikira Porter D4

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    Alanya Snyder over 2 years ago

    I am a voter in the Glenview district and a lifelong Oaklander. I ask you to endorse the Emerald New Deal so that our City can lead the way in working towards repair of the racist wrongs done by the War on Drugs. I am proud to support the Emerald New Deal Healing and Repair Measure and look forward to the reinvestments we can make possible by bringing this measure to our ballot.

    "My name is ________, I am a resident of Oakland and a proud supporter of the Emerald New Deal, agenda item number 8. I am asking this committee to commit today to moving the Emerald New Deal to the Rules and Legislation Committee, so it can continue the process to get approved by the city council and eventually get on my November ballot. The Emerald New Deal Healing and Repair Measure (END HARM) seeks to invest resources in individuals and their family members who have been directly impacted by the War on Drugs.

    [Can personalize and/or include the following] END is intended to fulfill the promise made to Oakland businesses and residents when we approved Measure Z in 2004 and then re-affirmed when we legalized marijuana use in 2016 with Prop 64. I want the city of Oakland to have the moral courage to repair the harm that it might have caused individuals, families, and neighborhoods in its pursuit of the racist War on Drugs. Thank you!"

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    Laura MalchowHay over 2 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident living in the Adam's Point neighborhood. I am concerned about the damage done to Black and Brown communities in Oakland by criminalizing its residents during the War on Drugs. The Emerald New Deal could repair some of the harm done during the drug war by reinvesting in these communities with Cannabis Business Tax Revenue. This revenue could be used to invest in reentry programs for the formerly incarcerated, community-based mental health services, affordable housing, and employment developent and training. I urge you to make reparations by supporting the Emerald New Deal fund. Thank you.

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    Molly Devinney almost 3 years ago

    I am a resident and voter of District 2, lakeshore neighborhood, and strongly support the Emerald New Deal! As a cannabis consumer, I believe this is how the tax revenues should have been directed upon legalization. Please right this wrong and vote to place Emerald New Deal on the November 2022 ballot for Oakland voters to decide. Thank you.