5 22-0363 Subject: On-Call Planning Support Services
From: Planning And Building Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: 1. Authorizing The City Administrator To Negotiate, Award And Execute A Professional Services Agreement With InterWest Consulting Group In An Amount Not To Exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) For On-Call Planning Permit Support Services On An As-Needed Basis, For A Period Of Three Years, Waiving The City's Local/Small Local Business (L/SLBE) Program Requirements; And 2. Appropriating Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) From The Development Services Fund (Fund 2415) Balance To Finance The Contract Awarded To InterWest Consulting Group To Provide On-Call Planning Permit Support Services On An As-Needed Basis; And 3. Making Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings