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Agenda Item

3.17 22-0414 Subject: FY2022-23 City of Oakland Head Start Multi-Contract Report and Resolutions From: Human Services Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation; A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To (1) Apply For And Accept The California Pre-Kindergarten And Family Literacy Support (CPKS) Grant In The Amount Of Thirty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($32,500) And The California State Preschool Program (CSPP) Expansion Grant In An Amount Of Two Million Five Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($2,555,569) From The California Department Of Education For Early Childhood Education From July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2023; (2) Appropriating A Contribution From The General Purpose Fund In An Amount Of One Hundred Sixty-Three Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars ($163,535) Equivalent To The Associated Central Services Overhead Costs Estimated; And 3) Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Additional CSPP Grant Funding That Becomes Available For The Same Purposes Stated, During The Same Grant Term, And Amend The Agreement Without Returning To Council; And