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Agenda Item

3.11 22-0398 Subject: Billboard Relocation Agreement With Outfront Media, LLC And Outfront Foster Interstate, LLC From: Vice Mayor Kaplan And Councilmember Gallo Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Enter Into A Billboard Relocation Agreement With Outfront Media, LLC ("Outfront Media") And Outfront Foster Interstate, LLC ("OFI"): (1) Allowing Outfront Media To Remove And Waive Its Rights To Compensation, Including All Real Property And Personal Property Interests, For 32 Billboards At Various Locations In The City Of Oakland In Exchange For Allowing OFI To Construct Four New Digital Billboards On City Property; (2) Requiring OFI To Make Annual Rent Payments To The City That Are The Greater Of $400,000 Or 40% Of The Annual Advertising Revenue; And (3) Requiring OFI To Make A One-Time Donation $1,000,000 To The City Of Oakland And/Or Organizations Designated By The City Council; On The June 7, 2022 City Council Agenda On Non-Consent