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Agenda Item

22-0260 2) A Resolution Amending Resolution 88735 C.M.S., Which Among Other Things Authorized The Acceptance And Appropriation Of Nine-Hundred And Ninety-Seven Thousand Six Hundred And Ninety-Four Dollars ($997,694) In State Of California Proposition 64 Public Health And Safety Grant Program Cohort Two Funds ("Proposition 64 Grant") To: Authorize The City Administrator To: Appropriate The Proposition 64 Grant Funds By: (A) Entering Into An Agreement At An Amount Not To Exceed Three-Hundred And Ten Thousand Dollars ($310,000) With Youth Uprising To Provide Preventative And Intervention Activities To Youth In Regards To Cannabis Consumption; And (B) Entering Into An Agreement In An Amount Not To Exceed One Hundred And Sixty-Three Thousand Three-Hundred And Six Dollars ($163,306) With The Public Health Institute To Develop And Execute A Youth Public Awareness Campaign Regarding Cannabis Consumption; And (C) Entering Into An Agreement With LMB Creative Group, LLC In An Amount Not To Exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) To Provide Data Collection And Local Evaluation Reporting; And (D) Waiving The Request For Proposal/Qualification Requirements For The Above-Mentioned Agreements With Youth Uprising And Public Health Institute; On The April 26, 2022 Community And Economic Development Committee Agenda