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Agenda Item

22-0088 2) An Ordinance Amending Sections 10.52.060 And 10.52.120 Of The Oakland Municipal Code To Update Truck Prohibited Streets And Designate New Truck Routes, Respectively; And Adopting Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

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    Jimmy ODea almost 3 years ago

    I live near McClymonds High School and do not support West Grand being designated as a truck route. West Grand is one of the main streets connecting West Oakland to downtown Oakland with a mix of residential and commercial businesses along its path. Except for the purpose of deliveries to local businesses, West Grand is not an industrial street suited for large trucks, which should use the network of highways coming out of the port as primary routes.

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    Prescott Chair almost 3 years ago

    As the Chair of the Prescott Neighborhood Council, a City sponsored NCPC, we are opposed to Legislation, 22-0088 that proposes to designate Frontage Road as a truck route and request that Frontage Road is removed from Legislation, 22-0088.

    We support all other aspects of the 22-0088 legislation.

    We ask that the OakDOT and the Port conduct further studies of the illegal truck parking and truck travel patterns on Frontage Road using robust approaches that include and data on Health, Safety and define Enforcement Mechanisms.

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    Chris Lee almost 3 years ago

    Oppose! People with kids live here! Please make it safe! Lots of people comment on safety issues, agreed 100 percent!
    So sick of seeing illegally parked trucks! How many more people need to die before you actually make a change?!

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    Alexis Frank almost 3 years ago

    I live at (10th and Wood street) in Prescott and have for years. Under no circumstances should Frontage Road be designated as a truck route. Maritime and other roads were not included in the analysis. The community was not given the time or awareness to properly give input. If Frontage road is designated for truck this will hurt the health outcomes of West Oakland residents, a population already disproportionately affected by air pollution, noise pollution, and dangerous/poorly maintained roads. Today we have a problem with illegal truck parking in the neighborhood and this will only make it worse. Plus, with BART's Mandela Station development and other high-density housing coming up, we need Frontage for car traffic more than ever before.

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    Genevieve Wilson almost 3 years ago

    I live at 1486 8th Street (8th and Chester) in the Lower Bottoms, where I've been now more than 10 years. I agree with our (Prescott) PNC’s opposition to designating Frontage Road as a truck route given we still lack an adequate and equitable analysis. Please see to it that Prescott and Lower Bottoms residents' health and safety concerns be well and properly addressed in the Department of Transportation's (OakDOT's) proposed legislation. Our whole community stands to benefit from process done thoroughly and well.

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    Sam Telford almost 3 years ago

    Trucks should not be allowed to park on West Grand. They make it impossible to see oncoming traffic at some of the stop signs.

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    Eunice Kym almost 3 years ago

    Several of the comments that oppose 7 22-0087 (Truck Parking) should be on this agenda item instead -- those comments are against using Frontage Rd. as a truck route and do not mention opposition to truck parking.

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    Keanna Harrison almost 3 years ago

    I oppose this measure. Designating Frontage Road as a truck route will directly and negatively impact the adjacent communities with noise pollution, increased traffic, and cause overall nuisance due to tractor parking near the entrances of the community.