2.6 21-0876 Subject: Resolution Supporting Net Energy Metering Rooftop Solar
From: Councilmember Kalb
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Urging The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) To Adopt A Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program That Protects, Supports, And Encourages The Expansion Of Rooftop Solar Installations And Related Clean Energy Storage Systems, Protects And Expands Opportunities For Clean Energy Jobs, Reduces Electricity Bills Of Lower Income Ratepayers, Increases Access To Rooftop Solar In Communities Of Concern, And Supports Achieving The Climate Goals Of Our Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP)
Many people in Oakland strongly support expansion of rooftop solar and any program that encourages and supports solar and other clean energy projects. A net energy metering program that supports expansion of rooftop solar installations in our community is consistent with our city's own stated goals in our ECAP.
Beth Weinberger (longtime Oakland resident and homeowner) for Kehilla Community Synagogue of Alameda County
Many people in Oakland strongly support expansion of rooftop solar and any program that encourages and supports solar and other clean energy projects. A net energy metering program that supports expansion of rooftop solar installations in our community is consistent with our city's own stated goals in our ECAP.
Beth Weinberger (longtime Oakland resident and homeowner) for Kehilla Community Synagogue of Alameda County