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Agenda Item

2.5 21-0860 Subject: Prop. 68 Per Capita Grant Applications From: Oakland Public Works Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Authorizing The City Administrator To Apply For, Accept, And Appropriate Grant Funds From The Proposition 68 - Per Capita Program Grant For The 85th Avenue Mini Park Tot Lot Replacement Project (No. 1006223) For An Amount Not-To-Exceed Seventy-Seven Thousand Dollars ($77,000) And The Holly Mini Park Renovation Project (No. 1004866) For An Amount Not-To-Exceed One Hundred Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-Two Dollars ($100,952); And (2) Adopting Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

  • 4178215695615039
    Robin Walker, Revered almost 3 years ago

    Appropriation of funds needs to be equitable and i do not feel entrusting this to the city administrator would be equitable given the in equitability in the past. Still waiting for accountability report!