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Agenda Item

3.13 21-0919 Subject: HHAP 2 And HHAP 2 Funding And Homekey Program From: Human Services Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Accepting And Appropriating Round 2 Homeless Housing, Assistance, And Prevention Program ("HHAP 2") Grant Funds In An Amount Not To Exceed Nine Million, Three Hundred Eleven Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($9,311,568) Awarded To The City Of Oakland For The Provision Of Emergency Homeless Interventions; And (2) Authorizing The City Administrator (Or Designee) To Take All Steps Necessary To Apply For And Receive Round 3 Homeless Housing, Assistance, And Prevention Program ("HHAP 3") Grant Funds Allocated To The City Of Oakland; And (3) Accepting And Appropriating HHAP 3 Grant Funds In The Amount Of Twenty-Four Million, Sixty-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-Two Dollars And Fifty-Two Cents Allocated To The City Of Oakland For The Provision Of Emergency Homeless Interventions; And (4) Allocating Up To Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) Of HHAP Grant Funds To Provide Long-Term Operating Funds For Homekey Program Extremely Low Income Permanent Housing Sites; On The December 13, 2021 Special Life Enrichment Committee Agenda