6 21-0727 Subject: Informational Report On Outside Law Enforcement Agencies
From: Councilmember Fife
Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The City Administrator Regarding The Presence And Operations Of Outside Law Enforcement Agencies, Including The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) And California Highway Patrol (CHP), In The City Of Oakland; Including Any Information Related To The Recent Killing Of Michael Jonathan Cortez By An FBI Agent, The Existence Of Any Contracts Or Use Of Public Dollars To Support These Outside Agencies, How Investigations Concerning These Agencies' Activities Are Being Handled, And The City's Public And Media Communications Policy With Regards To How These Entities Operate In Our Community
I would like to understand as well, Who authorized outside agencies to come into Oakland? If it was the Mayor/administrator can they do this? Are not the Mayor/Administrator suppose to consult the council of their arbitrary actions? What are they specifically doing and are they qualified (CHP)?
I would like to understand as well, Who authorized outside agencies to come into Oakland? If it was the Mayor/administrator can they do this? Are not the Mayor/Administrator suppose to consult the council of their arbitrary actions? What are they specifically doing and are they qualified (CHP)?