3.2 21-0759 Subject: Accept And Appropriate ACTC 2022 CIP Funds
From: Transportation Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Eight (8) Alameda County Transportation Commission Grants Totaling Three Million Nine Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Dollars ($3,921,000) To Implement The West Oakland Transit Improvements Project, Lincoln Elementary Safe Routes To School Project, Broadway Shuttle Operations, East 12th Street Bike Lanes, East Bay Greenway Segment II, 14th Street Complete Streets, And Oakland Traffic Management Center Upgrade; Allocate One Million Six Hundred Eighty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($1,687,666) In Measure B/BB And Measure KK Funds As The Required City Local Match; And Adopt Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings; On The November 2, 2021 City Council Agenda On Consent