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Agenda Item

7 21-0667 Subject: In Support Of Assembly Constitutional Amendment 3 From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Supporting Assembly Constitutional Amendment 3 (Kamlager), Removing The Language "Except To Punish Crime" From The California State Constitution, To Prohibit Slavery And Involuntary Servitude Without Exception; And Denouncing Structural Racism And Any Vestiges Of Slavery

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    Lydia Henkelmoellmann about 3 years ago

    Absolutely denounce any and all forms of slavery, involuntary servitude and punishment. Please support an amendment to Remove The Language "Except To Punish Crime" From The California State Constitution, To Prohibit Slavery And Involuntary Servitude Without Exception; And Denounce Structural Racism And Any Vestiges Of Slavery.

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    Kendra Edwards about 3 years ago

    This is an easy one: denounce any form of slavery, involuntary servitude, and punishment. Stand alongside Oakland’s Black and brown communities to vocally and unequivocally denounce anything that exploits our most vulnerable community members. It is way past time to fix this and remove these vestiges of slavery. This is structural racism. I am grateful to be in a city that can finally take this very simple step and do this work. Please support an amendment to Remove The Language "Except To Punish Crime" From The California State Constitution, To Prohibit Slavery And Involuntary Servitude Without Exception; And Denounce Structural Racism And Any Vestiges Of Slavery.

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    Allyssa Victory about 3 years ago

    I write in my capacity as a staff attorney with ACLU Northern California in SUPPORT of agenda item #7 supporting ACA 3 to amend the CA Constitution to remove the “exception” clause that allows for involuntary servitude “as punishment for a crime”. There is no room in the City of Oakland, the State of California, or this Nation for ANY form of slavery, forced labor, or involuntary servitude. The history of slavery runs deep in our State and Nation and Indigenous, Black, and people of color have experienced the brunt of this trauma. Furthermore, mass incarceration and systemic racism within the criminal justice system continues to disproportionately plague our Black and Brown communities. People who labor while incarcerated deserve dignified workers’ rights. This Resolution brings the truth to light and stands for basic human rights. Oakland and the state of California must reject slavery in all its forms. We ask Council to vote yes on this item.