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Agenda Item

2.20 21-0672 Subject: Emergency Shelter Crisis Ordinance From: Council President Fortunato Bas And Vice Mayor Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt An Emergency Ordinance Declaring A Shelter Crisis In The City Of Oakland; Making Findings That A Significant Number Of Persons Are Without The Ability To Obtain Shelter, And That The Situation Has Resulted In A Threat To The Health And Safety Of Those Persons; And Authorizing The City Administrator To Suspend Provisions Of State Or Local Regulatory Statutes, Regulations, And Ordinances Prescribing Standards Or Procedures Relating To Housing, Health, Or Safety For Additional Shelter Facilities If Needed; And Making California Environmental Quality Act Exemption Findings

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    Terri McWilliams about 3 years ago

    As we all know, housing is a significant problem in Oakland. It's all hands on deck to address this issue, so lets do so by adopting this ordinance.