3.16 21-0523 Subject: Stryker Corporation Contract Extension
From: Oakland Fire Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Appropriate Funds Levied From The Paramedic Services Act Of 1997 (Measure NN) In An Amount Not To Exceed One Hundred And Seventy Thousand Four Hundred And Eighty-Four Dollars And Sixteen Cents ($171,484.16); (2) Amending The Contract With Stryker Corporation (Previously Known As Physio Control, Inc.) For The Purchase, Maintenance, And Repair Of Advanced Life Support Equipment (ALS) By Increasing The Funding Amount By One Hundred Seventy One Thousand Four Hundred And Eighty Four Dollars And Sixteen Cents ($171,484.16), For A Total Authorized Contract Amount Not To Exceed Six Hundred And Forty-Three Thousand Three Hundred And Three Dollars And Seventy-Six Cents ($643,303.76); And (3) Waiving The Advertising And Bidding Process Requirements, And Local And Small Business (L/SB) Enterprise Program Provisions For The Proposed Contract Amendment With Stryker Corporation; On The July 20, 2021 City Council Agenda On Consent